Christian Fiction Authors Changing Real Lives

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Charisma Staff



Great fiction writers can catapult readers into fantastical stories of the imagination and guide booklovers into an escape from reality. But a trend is emerging among Christian novelists determined to face life’s harshest realities head-on. Writers are starting humanitarian organizations and some are giving a portion of their book sales to help the needy.

Randy Singer, known for his legal thrillers and Christian suspense novels, announced earlier this year that 100 percent of the proceeds from his book False Witness would go to the Dalit Freedom Network, which helps some of the 168 million Dalits in India experiencing discrimination, dehumanization, violence and enslavement on a daily basis. As members of India’s lowest social caste, few have access to educational opportunities. 

“I’m supporting the Dalit Freedom Network because they are on the ground in India,” explains Singer. “They’ve been effective advocates for the Dalits around the world, but they’re also bringing educational solutions that make a difference right now in real time in this world.”

Singer was inspired to support the network after a 2009 trip to India. “It’s just so convicting to be among people that have so little and yet are so on fire for Christ and are so happy,” he says. 

Fellow novelist Nicole Baart is also helping outcasts, though in another part of the world. Known for her realistic novels of hope, Baart has been delivering hope to orphans in Liberia through One Body One Hope, for which she is a founding member. The writer gives one-third of all book sales to relief groups.

Despite an economic recession, these authors are staying true to the Bible’s principle of giving. 

“When we give to Him, He gives back to us because He’s a wise owner,” Singer says. “We are all stewards or managers of His resources. As a wise owner He’s going to allocate those resources to those who hold them with an open hand.” 

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