Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Breaking Soul Ties Requires This First Step

Note: This is part 2 of a two-part series. For part 1, click here.

It is soul ties that make you react. Soul ties tie you up. Soul ties tie you down.

Old friends that remind me and keep talking about that old man they knew before. That is why God told Abraham: Leave, and go to a land that I will show you. For us, it is the kingdom of God.

Sometimes we need to leave our neighbor and go to an unfamiliar place where we can start over. Some people God has sent and told them go to this state, to this nation, but they can’t obey Him because of their soul tie with the area, with familiar things, with what they know.

Some people say, “You need to be light in the dark place.” No! You better make sure that you don’t have a soul tie with the darkness anymore. Then and only then, you can be light.

Enjoy whatever God gives to you, but don’t be obsessed with it.

God wants us to be an arrow in His hands, but with soul ties, He can’t shoot you anywhere. Separate yourself. Separate yourself for Him, fully. Soul ties pull us right back.

You may have a soul tie with guilt or a soul tie with poverty. You even feel bad because God is blessing you and not people in your family. You see. It must be detached so He can bring healthy relationships.

My family can’t stop me. My job can’t stop me. My dog can’t stop me. My ministry can’t stop me. I am free to fly high and to walk with Jesus. Many have all the knowledge of freedom but are not walking free because of their soul ties.

Mind, will and emotion: The place where soul ties manifest! You will be on a rollercoaster ride, but you can jump right off it. Don’t let anything and anybody, any doctrine, bind you at all.

The gospel of Jesus binds us to Christ.

Soul ties will break off as you take one step into obedience.

Remember Lot’s wife. She had a soul tie and looked back. Her emotion was tied to that city.

Lot did not look back. People are saying, “I am waiting on God,” and God is saying, “It is finished 2000 years ago. Obey My Word. Trust Me. Break the ties that bind!”

Thank God for grace! We don’t have to become like Lot’s wife. Remember her! God said to remember her (see Luke 17:32). Soul ties will hinder you and your destiny. When I see them killing the calling of God’s children, it makes me very sad, because God is jealous, and He wants to be the first and have you tied only to Him.

Remember Lot’s wife. Break your soul tie. It makes you look back or get stuck where you are. The kingdom of God is never behind; it is always ahead. Remember Lot’s wife! Have kids, but don’t let them have you. Have animals, but don’t let them have you. Have a job, but don’t let your job have you.

Jesus was very clear about this, and we need to pay attention. Count the cost. Lose everything. Put your mind on things above; a soul tie will keep your mind on things on Earth.

We ask Him, “God, what about my children, what about my job, what about this person, that person?” and He is answering, “If you take care of My business, I will take care of yours.” God is saying, “Let Me take care of it.”

People don’t want to go through the ripping off process. You can declare and decree but never deal with their souls. But “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back at things is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). Until you have a relationship with this Word and follow it, your soul will always be tied up.

Peter talking from his soul: “Who will be the greatest?” Peter talking from his spirit: “You are the Christ.” Peter was tied up through his soul with this world, but his soul broke free from it. God will not have a harlot because of her many lovers! Peter did not want Jesus to go to the cross because his soul was tied with His, but Jesus saw the soul tie and said, “Get behind Me, Satan. You may have a soul tie with Me, Peter, but I don’t have one with you. Peter, I have to go to the cross. My soul is tied up to My Father” (see Matt. 9:2).

His name is “I am” for a reason. You will never be able to love Him with your whole heart if you don’t break soul ties. “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind'” (Matt. 22:37).

Idols, family, dogs, money, job—none can ever give you freedom and peace! Peace comes only in Yeshua. Anyone who loves anything or anybody more than Him is not worthy of Him, as He says:

“He that loveth father or mother more (animals, self, children, nation, job, culture, world, sports, ministry …) than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matt. 10:37, paraphrased).

Among many voices, Shane W. Roessiger, founder of H.O.T. HOUSE OF TRUTH and author of Smashing Deception in the House of God—has been crying out in the USA and in the nations of the earth, preparing the bride for the bridegroom, Jesus. Located in Nokomis, Florida, H.O.T. HOUSE OF TRUTH is a place designed by God to make His bride ready, to awaken her by the preaching of His uncompromising Word, to purify her by His fire, to equip her by His Spirit, to send her out full of oil, fire and fruits.

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