Bless the Lord

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Rod Parsley

Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. —Psalm 103:20

When the Word of the Lord goes forth you must decide immediately whether you will speak and walk in His Word or ignore it. At the moment of His Word, the Spirit discerns the intentions of your heart. God knows if you are going through the rigors of religiosity or if you are committed by faith and prayer to move out into the harvest.

This should be the declaration of your mouth:

I send forth the holy angels of God right now.

They are commissioned to minister on behalf of the heirs of salvation.

I am an heir of salvation.

I am washed in the blood of Christ.

I am blood-bought, Holy Ghost-filled, and fire-baptized.

I am not waiting to get into the kingdom of God.

I am in the kingdom now, and the kingdom is in me.

Every day you can declare under the anointing of the Holy Spirit:

In the power of the Spirit and under the authority of the Word,
I declare that the holy angels go forth and become reapers in the fields
which are white unto harvest. I bind every hindering spirit on my life.
I release the anointing of God with His angelic
hosts to bring in my harvest. Amen.

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