Believe God

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Rod Parsley

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they reap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. —2 Timothy 4:3

Turn your back on deception and stop taking the word of the world over the Word of God. Even more, stop taking anyone’s word over the Word of God! Whether they are preachers, teachers, gurus, politicians, or entertainers, their words can never stand up to the inspired Word of God!

Stop listening to the intellectuals, the compromisers, the world-appeasers. You have the holy Word of God Himself! Let us reject those who twist the truth and alter the Bible to justify their self-serving agendas.

God, forgive us for the idolatrous sin of presumption—for trying to mold you into a god who fits our conceptions, rather than the God who created the universe. Put our hearts back into a reverence for your Word and a deep appreciation that we must seek out our salvation before You.

Lord, let Your Word dwell in my heart richly,
illuminated by the power of
Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

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