Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Are Loose Ends Keeping You in Bondage?

brick wall

Have you ever been so busy that at the end of the day, you take a look at all the things that kept your schedule on overload and realize most of it has been left to be finished the next day, week, month or even year? You know what I mean—one project led to another that led to another that led … you get the point. At the end of the day, if we could be honest with ourselves, we can admit that distractions have played a major role in what we’ve done or have failed to do.

Other than the life and message of Jesus Christ throughout the New Testament, the story of Nehemiah in the Old Testament is by far one of my favorites. Nehemiah’s story of passion, determination and ability to overcome adversity serves as a model for so many diverse, current-day circumstances. 

Nehemiah’s assignment was stirred by a cause—a cause to repair and rebuild a city in disarray. After finding favor with God and man, there was no stopping Nehemiah from finishing what he had started.

How many of us are driven by the exuberance of the moment—intrigued by the excitement of a new project, a new business venture, a task, a new ministry opportunity, only to see them get aborted at worst or become stagnant at best?

Before I continue, I want to remind you that you have a God-given assignment that only you could be the best at fulfilling. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your past, history, pedigree or even mistakes cannot detain you from fulfilling your assignment if you can come to the realization that only you can be the best at being you. You are one of a kind, made in the image of God, created to accomplish great things. Whatever your occupation—pastor, teacher, lawyer, doctor, mechanic, homemaker or any other occupation you can come up with—God has an assignment that will impact those around you and bring glory to His name.

Let me warn you, however. There is something powerful about people who set themselves with passion and determination to accomplish a feat and see it through to completion. The challenge is that no great work has ever been accomplished by anyone without the enemy attempting to bring about distraction, discouragement and dissolution. 

A passion for the condition of Jerusalem stirred the heart of Nehemiah and provoked him to go beyond his comfort zone and accomplish a feat that only someone with passion, wisdom and the power of an almighty God can accomplish. However, let me reiterate: There is no great accomplishment without the enemy attempting to interrupt what you have started. 

In one instance, during the end of Nehemiah’s project of rebuilding the walls (Neh. 6), a conspiracy was launched against him in order to disrupt his assignment. Five times, an invitation came forth that, if accepted, would place Nehemiah in a rather precarious situation, to say the least. Why such tactic from the opposition? “They all were trying to make us afraid, saying, ‘Their hands will be weakened in the work, and it will not be done'” (v. 9). 

You see, I truly believe that although the enemy cannot predict the future, he can sense the effectiveness of what you can produce because he is all too familiar with the God you serve. When you set your heart and mind to accomplish a task and fulfill your God-given assignment, whatever that may be, it will not only impact those around you but will also bring glory to God—and the enemy hates this.

So let me ask you: What is it that sets your heart on fire? What is it that stirs a great deal of passion within you? What is your assignment? Is it your children, your family, your church, a specific project, a job, your business? Have you been able to see it through to completion? What has attempted to distract and discourage you from finishing what you have started? It is time to cry out like Nehemiah: “O God, strengthen my hands” (v. 9). 

There is no greater accomplishment than the fulfillment—the completion—of something you’ve started. Sometimes God cannot move us to bigger and greater things because the very things we’ve started in the past have yet to be completed. We have allowed distractions to get in the way of our forward progress. But I encourage you to finish what you’ve started. The same God that stirred up the passion in you is the same God that will see you through to completion. 

Reina Olmeda is senior pastor of Third Day Worship Center in Allentown, Pa., alongside her husband, Rev. Charles Olmeda. She has a bachelor’s of science degree in clinical psychology and a master’s degree in professional counseling. With a passion to see women rise up to the Lord’s standards for their lives, she has worked with abused women as well as young women in crisis and is a sought-after speaker. Reina resides in Bethlehem, Pa., with her husband and two daughters. Her book may be purchased here.

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