4 Reasons Unexplainable Things Happen

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Perry Stone


Here are four facts about the unexplainables in life. Obviously, they are not explanations, but they will help to shed some light on why things happen.

1. We all are going to die. “It is appointed for men to die once,” states Hebrews 9:27. This is a spiritual law that cannot be broken. Only two men have escaped death: Enoch (Gen. 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kin. 2), and they will experience death at the hand of the future Antichrist when they return as the two witnesses to Jerusalem (Rev. 11:7). Sooner or later, we all will pass away, so it’s not a matter of if but when.

2. We live in a violent world. Because of human criminal elements, good people often become the victims of violent crimes. Our earth is still under the curse (Gen. 3:17-19), so hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and disasters can strike good people. Christians can lose their homes and possessions, just as Noah did during the flood and Lot did when Sodom was destroyed. Trouble comes to both the righteous and the unrighteous.

3. We run “red lights”! In some tragedies, iReasonm people or from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will show you things to come (John 16:13). This can mean warnings through a vision, a dream, a close friend, visible circumstances and other ways.

If the Lord shows you impending danger and you act in a way to ignore the warning, I call it running red lights. A red light means stop. People try to beat the signal all the time—and crash. You can’t blame the red light for changing; you must blame the person for ignoring the signal.

4. God is sovereign. God is the Creator, and we are the creation. The Almighty holds the power of life and death. I have observed that among Christians, there is a concept that if we follow God, only good will follow us!

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