Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Keys to Recognizing God’s Voice

Four keys

Will YOU Use These Four Keys?

How many of these keys can we neglect and still expect to receive the fullness of God? My guess is none! So let’s take the time to train ourselves and our people that hearing God’s voice is as easy as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to spontaneity and writing.

Isn’t it time for you to stop, look, listen and write? Isn’t it time for the church to train its people to stop, look, listen and write? God certainly puts a huge emphasis on writing (Deut. 17:18,19). Rather than saying, “I can’t write,” we should be saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” (Phil. 4:13).

Rather than saying, “I can’t see,” how about if we say, “God heals the blind with just a touch. Lord, I ask for You to touch my blind eyes and heal them so I can see. I command blindness to go, in Jesus’ Name. I command the eyes of my heart to see in Jesus’ Name! Muscles in these spiritual eyes, be strengthened in Jesus’ Name. Lord, I receive Your healing touch. I look and I see (Dan. 8:2,3; Rev. 4:1). It is Your will for me to see (Acts 2:17). Thank You, Lord.”

It is time for the church to arise and be the church and receive revelation knowledge and divine visions on a daily basis.

We Saved the Best for Last – The Example of Jesus

“Jesus is perfect theology” according to Bill Johnson, and I certainly agree. Jesus did nothing of His own initiative, but only what He heard and saw the Father doing (John 8:28).

  1. Stop – Jesus went alone to pray (Matt. 14:23)
  2. Look – “I do only those things I see the Father doing” (John 5:19,20; 8:38)
  3. Listen – “I do only those things I hear from the Father” (John 5:30; 8:26)
  4. Write – While there is no record that Jesus Himself wrote what He heard, He shared it with His disciples who wrote it down for us. (And remember, John said that Jesus did so many other things that the whole world would not have room for the books that would need to be written to record it all. (John 21:25)!

Make this golden pattern a part of your daily life!

Which Leaders Down Through Church History Used the Four Keys?

We haven’t even started this discussion, so let’s begin it…

  1. Stop –
  2. Look –
  3. Listen –
  4. Write – 

Would you help by adding to this blog (below) an additional example from either Scripture or church history of individuals who used the four keys to hear God’s voice? Thank you for the additions you provide. Let’s let this blog grow. Let’s be doers of the Word! Let’s stop, look, listen and write.

Closing Prayer – Lord, bless and anoint Your church as they follow this biblical pattern, found in hundreds of chapters of Scripture, and modeled by essentially all great spiritual leaders from Scripture and from church history. Lord, we thank You for patterns and examples in Your Word which instruct our lives. Thank You for this pattern that has taught so many of Your children to hear Your voice in recent years. YOU are restoring truth to Your church. You are restoring our lives! You are taking us back to the pattern in the Garden of Eden where in the cool of the day You appeared, and walked and talked with Adam and Eve. You are our Wonderful Counselor. We worship You. To God be glory forever and ever, amen!

Mark Virkler is founder and president of Christian Leadership University and co-founder of Communion With God Ministries. The co-author of more than 50 books with his wife, Patti, Mark has received a Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and a Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University.

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