Isaiah 12:1-14:32 We are still in the days of awe. I hope you are praying for your Jewish friends during this holy season for them. Pray for that veil to be dropped over their eyes and for the eyes of their understanding to be opened. This passage in Isaiah speaks about a special day that will happen in Israel. That day will be filled with praise because God’s chosen people will at last know Jesus as their Messiah. They will know the God of their salvation, and with joy they will draw water from the wells of salvation. They will see all the excellent things God has done, and God will be their strength and song.
The days of awe will no longer be observed because His chosen will know that their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. No longer will they have to ask God for another year of life with the hope that in that year their names would be removed from the Book of the In-Between and placed in the Book of the Righteous.
What a glorious day that will be when Jew and Gentile will worship together in Jerusalem. In that day they will actually speak the things Isaiah wrote: “And in that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee” (Isa. 12:1-6, KJV).
What a great day that will be for all of Israel. You can have a part in ushering that day in by praying now for Israel and all the Jewish people.
READ: Isaiah 12:1-14:32; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 23:9-11