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Morning Rundown: Glenn Beck With Jonathan Cahn: Revealing the Shocking Truths About America

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Charisma Media Staff

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on charismamag.com:

Glenn Beck With Jonathan Cahn: Revealing the Shocking Truths About America

The warnings are sounding across the modern world that by turning its back to God, much worse is going to move in and take His place.

Shedding light on the state of America today, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn joined Glenn Beck’s radio program on Thursday, Apr. 6, and discussed just how the country descended into paganism so quickly and the repercussions of it. Cahn’s visit with Glenn Beck was so engaging and explosive, Beck invited Cahn back for a second day’s visit on Friday, Apr. 7, presented in the episode “Why America Lost Its Superpower Status” on The Glenn Beck Program on The Blaze.

Beck shared that Cahn addressed the issues that have millions of American living in fear and uncertainty today in Cahn’s newest book “The Return of the Gods,” presently sitting at #3 on Amazon overall for all books.

Bill Wiese: What Exactly Did Jesus Experience in Hell?

If anyone alive today would know what Jesus experienced while He was in hell, it would be Bill Wiese.

The author of the book “23 Minutes in Hell” says he experienced the horrors of hell for a brief period in November 1998, where he saw searing flames, heard deafening screams of agony and encountered terrorizing demons before the strong hand of God lifted him out of the pit.

Many, including Christians, believe that Jesus went into the same pit of torment when He took His last breath on the cross and remained there until He was resurrected on Easter morning.

Angel Studios ‘His Only Son’ Takes No. 3 at the Box Office Ahead of Easter Weekend


After an honest heart cry to share the gospel with people through film over a decade ago, creator David Helling’s ‘His Only Son’ took number three at the box office ahead of Easter.

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Helling shared his journey from military man and film student to creator of a major film. ‘His Only Son,’ focuses on the three-day journey Abraham took to Moriah to sacrifice his son, Isaac, after hearing God’s command to do so. The film features Abraham’s harrowing emotions of being asked to give up his son, with poignant flashbacks of Abraham and Sarah’s life together.

“This was my heart cry a decade and a half ago in one of Saddam Hussein’s old missile bunkers in Iraq, and to have that heart cry be out of the mouths of many people in all these theaters across the country, it’s just, what a sweet gift from the Lord,” Helling told Charisma News.

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