Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Man in the Mirror: Some Godly New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year

Here are five suggestions for the Christian man for 2014:

  1. Have a DAWG (Daily Appointment with God). We need time with God every day. Not having daily devotions yet? Here’s a 5-minute plan:
    1. 1 minute. Invite God to speak to you in the next few minutes, unload your worries and cares on Him for the next few minutes.
    2. 3 minutes: Read a few verses of Scripture or a daily devotion, such as those in Equipping the Man in the Mirror.
    3. 1 minute: Grab a piece of paper and jot down a few notes–a key verse you read, a thought the passage prompted, or things you want to pray about.  

WARNING: In a month, it might be 10 minutes. In six months it might be 30 minutes. When you start spending time with God and His Word, it can become addicting.    

  1. Find a BOB. Every man needs a “Band of Brothers,” a few Christian men who will walk beside you, watch your back, look you in the eye and ask the tough questions. Conflict breeds connection, so embrace the difficulties of forming real, honest relationships with a few good men.    
  2. Pray for your family. Pray for your children and their spouses or future spouses. At my wedding, my father-in-law told me that he had been praying for me specifically since the day my wife was born. What an encouragement! Pray for your wife – try using The Marriage Prayer. Praying for your family is the first step toward spiritual leadership at home.    
  3. Pray with your wife. This might not be easy, but it is crucial. You might schedule a time daily to pray together, perhaps using a couples devotional book (such as Devotions for Couples). Or you can be spontaneous; as you leave in the morning or get ready for bed, give her a hug and ask if you can pray for her. Pray that God would protect her, pray for your kids, ask Him to help you love her better, and ask that she would feel God’s love today. Trust me, she’ll love it!  
  4. Find a mission. Invest in something bigger than yourself. Maybe it’s going on a short-term mission trip, getting involved in Operation Christmas Child, or volunteering at a local shelter or food pantry. Do something that takes the focus off yourself and helps you participate in the mission of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20).

All of us at Man in the Mirror are praying that God would work in your life this year to bring about His good and perfect purposes. He loves you! And we do too! It’s going to be a great year!

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