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Let the Spirit Work in You

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Maria Woodworth Etter

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. —Ephesians 5:18

Many people teach today that no one has the Holy Spirit until he is baptized with the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost comes in different degrees such as the filling of the Spirit, and the baptism in the Spirit. The baptism comes down on your head like a cloud.

When the prophets were anointed, the oil was poured over their heads, and then the Holy Ghost came into them. The Holy Ghost must come upon our heads and then all through us, taking possession of us. Many people do not think of anything but speaking in tongues. They lay everything else aside.

Thirty-five years ago I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, and I stood alone. When the Pentecostal movement broke out, and some said they would not have anything but tongues, so I was kept back. I could not do much with the movement at first. There was so much false teaching that the Holy Ghost was driven away from many people. They wanted the Holy Ghost to work this way, and not that way. Let the Holy Ghost work in any way that agrees with the Word of God.

Holy Spirit, move in my life in whatever way You
desire, that I might be Your vessel to
glorify the name of Jesus. Amen.

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