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Just Do It

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Linda Sommers

John 2:1-25 My husband and I lead tours to Israel, and we are about to take our sixth trip together there. We always make sure we do not miss the lovely chapel that now marks the place where Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding of Cana. The presence of the Lord is always so strong in this place.

One of the greatest mysteries on earth is marriage, and it is not surprising Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding since He is our bridegroom. It is always our custom when visiting this chapel to take a few moments to pray in the courtyard before we go into the chapel. We pray for marriages, and we also pray for the singles who want to be married. The scripture we always pray for the singles is one I found in Isaiah: “Search from the book of the Lord, and read: not one of these shall fail; not one shall lack her mate. For My mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them” (Isa. 34:16).

After praying this at the Cana chapel on several trips to Israel, I decided to look that scripture up again. When I read it in context, I got a good chuckle. This promise is not for people, but for birds. The verse before this promise speaks of gathering owls and vultures. Of course, I never told our lovely singles about my discovery, and in spite of my mistake, many of those we prayed for got married. Wedding wine is sold just outside the chapel, and our tour people always insisted I buy some for the wedding of our three sons. I always said, “That wine will turn to vinegar before the boys get married.” God is faithful, however, and all three of our sons were married in a space of nine months, and we now have grandchildren. The oldest son was thirty-five when he married.

Mary said something we should all take note of and heed. When the wine ran out she said, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” David DuPlessis (often called Mr. Pentecost) tells of having a private audience with the pope. In this meeting he shared with the pope that even though their faiths differed a little, they did have one thing in common. He said, “We both believe in doing whatever Mary tells us to do.” He was referring to these words Mary spoke just after Jesus began His public ministry. We all need for these words to resound in our ears daily. “Do whatever Jesus tells you to do.”

Lord, help me to listen carefully to Your instructions daily. Most of Your instructions to me are found in Your Word, but You also speak quietly to my heart by Your Holy Spirit. Don’t let me miss out on anything You want me to do. When I hear what You want me to do, empower me by Your Spirit to do it.

READ: Judges 15:1-16:31; John 2:1-25; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 14:17-19

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