Women Transforming the World

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Sarah Stegall

Prophets and those who are sensitive to the currents of the Spirit of God are calling this a new era in the church in which women of strength and anointing will arise and step into the roles God has ordained for them.

Women after God’s heart, “spiritual mothers,” will not be hindered by anything in this hour. Rather, they will stand poised, fearlessly awaiting God’s direction and enabling to accomplish His work.

READ: Gen. 17:15-22; Gen. 18:9-15; 2 Sam. 20:16-22; Esth. 2:8-13; Prov. 31:10-31; Acts 16:11-15.
HEART ISSUE: What stands between you and the place to which God is calling you? Is it lack of discipline, trust or perhaps fear? In the name of Jesus, see that obstacle removed.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, we pray that nothing will hinder the impartation of vision and hope to women around the world. We will put the past to rest and move forward in Your power. Let courage arise in Your daughters today. And in the strength and enabling of almighty God may we accomplish great exploits for Your glory. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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