What to Do When You Feel Surrounded; A Tribute to Our Afghan Friends

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With the collapse of the Afghan government and the seize of power by Taliban fighters, many of our Afghan friends feel abandoned and outnumbered.

We’ve received an influx of messages from them saying things like, “My husband is hiding out in our home with only a bag of rice to eat, and he can’t go out because the Taliban are raiding our city!” and “Please pray! A Christian brother has a room full of Bibles and the Taliban are searching houses on his street at this very moment!”

Yet even in the midst of this overwhelming situation, God wants to open the spiritual eyes of both Afghan Christians and each one of us to see that “more are with us than against us.”

In the days of the prophet Elisha, God revealed this exact truth in the middle of a seemingly hopeless situation.

One crisp morning, Elisha’s servant woke up, rubbed his tired eyes while stretching his arms over his head and walked out the front door to discover that he and his master were surrounded by a horde of enemies who wanted to kill them.

Although none of us have ever stepped out our front door to find a throng of enemy chariots, we can certainly relate to a sudden confrontation of panic due to situations beyond our control.

Freaking out, Elisha’s servant cried out, “What do we do?!”

Elisha’s response revealed a sense of authority and calm that only comes from time spent in God’s presence. “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16, NKJV).

Longing for his servant to have spiritual sight, Elisha prayed, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see” (2 Kings 6:17, NKJV). Suddenly, his servant could see that they were in fact surrounded, but they were surrounded by a mighty host of horses and chariots sent by God to protect them!

In the world today, opposing spiritual forces of wickedness can seem just as daunting as the physical army that surrounded Elisha. Without spiritual sight, we can feel outnumbered, surrounded and riddled with anxiety. But God wants to open the eyes of difference-makers to see that “more are with us than with them.”

As you listen to this conversation on our podcast, may you be encouraged by the reality that you are surrounded by angel armies who war on your behalf! {eoa}

Bevin Bold serves alongside her husband at AIMS.ORG (aims.org), a missions organization targeting unreached people groups with the gospel. She is known for her creativity and passion for God’s Word. Since graduating Texas Bible Institute in 2000, Bevin has served in local church and overseas ministry. In 2008, she and her husband moved to northern Iraq as missionaries where they planted a house church, baptized former Muslims and opened a cafe. Bevin now spends her days using her gifts of writing and design to advocate for those who have no access to the message of Jesus. A loving wife and mom to Haven and Honor, she enjoys a good cappuccino, spending time with her family in nature and making jewelry.

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