What Happened to Eve?

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Sarah Stegall

Eve’s disobedience and subsequent banishment from the presence of God was an interruption in her destiny. But immediately following the first couple’s fall, God implemented a plan that would restore them to their intended purpose.

Referring to God’s promise of a Messiah in Gen. 3:15, Dr. Freda Lindsay wrote: “The woman, first scarred by sin, is selected to be the one first promised to become an instrument of God’s redemptive working” (Spirit-Filled Life Bible).

This is a picture of restoration. In Jesus Christ, we recover our innocence and our ability to reproduce the life of God in others through Holy Spirit-anointed ministry.

READ: Gen. 3:1-8; Gen. 3:9-19; Gen. 3:20-24; Gen. 5:2; 2 Cor. 11:2-4; 1 Tim. 2:13-15.
HEART ISSUE: Has Christ been allowed to restore your innocence? Or are you still hiding?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, we are more grateful to You than ever before for giving us a second opportunity to be the givers of life You intended. Empower us in every endeavor to open our lives to You and trust You for restoration and renewal. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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