The Daughters’ Inheritance

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Sarah Stegall

(Part 1)

Despite the fact that women have often been denied their rightful place in ministry, God has created His daughters on an equal level with men. His Word shows that He has empowered them to be bold, and He has commissioned them to take the land for His kingdom.

READ: Num. 27:1-7; Num. 36:1-12; Josh. 14:13-15; Josh. 17:1-6; Judg. 5:12; Job 42:12-15; Ps. 139:13-14.
HEART ISSUE: Stop dwelling on how others may be trying to decrease you. Focus anew on how God wants you to increase in His power. See yourself as you were designed and created by God to be—the royal daughter of His inheritance, walking in His great promises to take the land for His great purposes.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I thank You that “You formed my inward parts” (Ps. 139:13, NKJV), shaping me and preparing me for my role in Your kingdom. I give You praise and glory and honor for empowering me to walk in bold faith as I claim my inheritance as Your daughter—to take the land for Your kingdom. Amen.

(Part 2)

There are many Bible passages about great women of faith. But even in verses that do not mention women, there are also messages for them. As God’s daughter, you are called to move in the apostolic arena of leadership. You can expect great things from God to do what He has called you to do.

READ: Luke 1:6-7; Acts 16:40; Phil. 3:14; Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Titus 2:3-5.
HEART ISSUE: Despite what you have or have not accomplished, God has a special calling on you to do even greater things. Consider this truth and read the Scriptures that declare God’s promises for your life. As God’s beloved daughter, you have inherited a blessed and fulfilling future straight from your heavenly Father’s throne room.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, thank You that I can walk in the powerful promises contained in Your Word. As Your daughter, I receive these blessings that are far greater than one could imagine. Thank You for blessing me to be a tremendous blessing to others. Amen.

Read a companion article.


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