Seven Secrets to Keeping Your Joy

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Sarah Stegall

(PART 1)

Are certain people or circumstances getting you down? Consider the fact that the Lord really is in charge. It is the Holy Spirit who should lead you and “make your day,” not the whims or moods or others or the circumstances you face.

READ: John 10:10; Neh. 8:10; Gal. 5:22; Prov. 16:9; Ps. 16:11; John 15:5.
HEART ISSUE: If the Lord truly is the vine, and you are a branch that draws your strength from Him, then He, not others nor circumstances, gives you daily energy, life and joy.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, thank You for the gift of daily joy that is mine through You. Help me always to remember to draw genuine joy from You, my vine of life. Amen.

(PART 2)

We all have complex daily pressures placed on us. However good or worthy they might be, these demands can drain us of joy and peace. Take some moments today and clear out the clutter if you’re doing too much.

READ: John 16:24; Heb. 4:16; James 4:2; Is. 26:3; Ps. 37:4; Ps. 103:12.
HEART ISSUE: Are you giving enough time each day to soaking in the Lord’s blessings? Can you simplify your schedule so that you have time to appreciate His presence and the beauty around you that He’s created?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I welcome Your presence. I want to experience the fullness of Your joy, so You can use me to fill others’ lives with that same joy. In Jesus’ name, I celebrate this wonderful gift You have given me that is a fruit of Your Spirit. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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