God Wants You!

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Sarah Stegall

(PART 1)

God has created each of us as a unique individual with a unique purpose. Our greatest fulfillment comes when we understand His love for us and realize our calling.

READ: Ps. 139:13-18; Is. 43:1-4; Is. 61:1-4; Jer. 1:4-10; Mark 13:32-37; 1 Pet. 2:4-10.
HEART ISSUE: Do you know who you are in Christ and what makes you unique to God? Do you know how much He loves you?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, help me see myself as You see me, so that I may understand Your purposes for me. Give me Your grace to fulfill Your plan for my life. Amen.

(PART 2)

God has appointed a special calling to each of us, and we must be good stewards of His gifts. He gave us gifts to bless others and build up the body of Christ.

READ: Deut. 8:11-18; Is. 6:1-8; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Phil. 3:7-16; 2 Tim. 4:7-8; Heb. 12:1-3.
HEART ISSUE: Are you exercising your gifts–developing them in ministry to others? If not, what are you waiting for?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, thank You for equipping me to serve Your body. Guide me by the Holy Spirit’s power to be a good steward of the calling You have placed upon me. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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