Armed with His Might

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Sarah Stegall

(PART 1)

Often it appears Satan has the upper hand–attacking our marriages, our families, our jobs, and even our identities–causing us to feel powerless and out of control. If we are to walk in victory over the attacks of the enemy, we must recognize that God is mightier indeed! In His Word and by His Spirit, God has given us the victory, showing us that He is not only with us, but also working through us, no matter what we face.

: 2 Cor. 10:4; 2 Cor. 13:3; Eph. 1:19; 2 Thess. 1:7; 1 John 4:4; Phil. 4:13.

HEART ISSUE: Instead of spending time entertaining what the enemy has done to you, why not spend that time reading God’s Word and seeing how mighty in spirit God can equip you to be!
Father, help me to stop believing the lies of the enemy and judging how bad things are by the way they look now. Let me become mighty in spirit through the promises of Your Word, which give me peace, victory, supply and hope in all situations. Amen.

(PART 2)

Satan is a deceiver and a thief. He will try to get you to imagine that there is no hope. That is the time when you need to get tough with your faith and turn to the truth found in God’s Word. In God’s Word, you will find His assurance that not only are you protected from the attacks and wiles of the enemy, but you are also called and chosen by God and strengthened by His might.

Is. 40:31; Is. 50:7; Is. 54:17; Is. 59:19; Gal. 1:15; John 10:10.
Can you set aside more minutes in your day to read God’s mighty promises in His Word? Consider the result–you will grow mighty in spirit.
Father, thank You for the promises of Your protection, Your presence and Your power in my daily life. I am truly confident in You. No matter what I face, no matter what things look like, I am assured by Your Word that You make me mighty in spirit. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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