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Are You Up Against a Generational Curse?

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Curt Landry

This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries.

*Note: This is the first of a two-part series.

We all battle different things in the spiritual realm. But many of us battle things that have been passed down through our family lines—generational curses. So then, how do we know if we are up against a generational curse in the spirit?

God’s Word says He has given you a purpose and calling. He has equipped you with the Holy Spirit’s power to battle every spiritual battle. He gives you wisdom, discernment and vision.

Jesus came to reverse the curse. Start by identifying them and then give them to Jesus!

We’re talking about a subject that can be confusing. But there’s no reason to be confused about this: identifying generational curses.

I want to take you through a questionnaire where you will answer one through 10 about a subject.

I want you to have peace of mind knowing you either need to deal with generational curses or not. Let’s just get it off the table. That’s the key.

The Benefit of Identifying Generational Curses

  • Peace of mind
  • The joy of the Lord
  • Spiritual strength
  • Prosperity and provision
  • Divine protection

Peace of Mind

The benefit of identifying generational curses is having peace of mind. Everybody needs peace of mind, especially in the midst of these chaotic times and storms.

We need the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord is a supernatural event when things aren’t even going great, yet you still have peace and joy. The joy of the Lord will hit you. That’s why the Scripture says that the joy of the Lord is our strength.

The Joy of the Lord

How I’ve Experienced the Joy of the Lord in Times of Chaos

It’s amazing. A lot of times, Christie and I will have visitations of the joy of the Lord, and even during negative times (we’ve had this happen when we were around some other people, and we’re in a meeting, and they’re talking about something bad) and the joy of the Lord has hit. We can’t look at each other because when it hits, we both start laughing, and it’s not the appropriate time to laugh. It’s like laughing at church during a very serious time.

The Joy of the Lord is Medicine

But the joy of the Lord is medicine! It’s merry medicine to the heart and the soul–spiritual strength. Spiritual strength is understanding your identity and who you are in Him. It’s that covenant relationship where it becomes an experience and a reality.

Prosperity and Provision

Think of a menu in a restaurant. It’s so great to order off the left side of what you want vs. the right side of what you can afford. This is a picture of the provision you have available to you.

Listen, I’ve been on both sides of this. I was raised in an 850-square-foot home. Our house had eight to 10 people living in that square footage.

  • I understand living in prosperity.
  • I understand living in poverty or lack, not really poverty, but lower middle class.

So, I understand it. It is easier in life to be able to make choices and decisions when you know that the Lord’s provided more than enough.

Divine Protection

This is what I love about bringing tithes and offerings. In Malachi 3, it tells you why this is so important. The Lord says He will provide and protect you. He will rebuke the devourer for you. So, often, that is not in your generational DNA.

What You Need Protection From

  • Financial attacks
  • Physical attacks
  • Relationship issues, such as long-term friends and relationships that go awry
  • Abuse and addiction issues
  • Divorce
  • Business breakups
  • Church issues, such as always church hopping or church hurt

Identifying Generational Curses

So, I want to start here and just ask you a few questions. Maybe you can be at a place where you can write it down. But if not, just go through your mind and number it (you can always go back and listen and write it down later)

I want you to think through these questions. So, let’s just start with yes and no, and then we’ll put a number on it. Okay?

  1. Do I lack passion for spiritual things?

Yes or no? So, you’re either on fire for the Lord right now, or not. You’re lacking passion for spiritual things. If you are lacking, you will give it a one, two or three. If you are prospering and passionate, you will give it a five, six, seven, eight, nine or 10.

  1. Do I battle excessive frustration?

Yes or no? So, what I mean by that is it’s almost like an emotional healing must take place. Listen, I’ve been there. Only a few days ago, It was on a Monday, and Mondays have a tendency to reveal all the things we are responsible for. I can remember thinking in my head, by noon, I thought this: “If I hear one more piece of bad news, I can’t take it!”

Well, what good does it even do thinking that? It’s stupid. But in my head, luckily, I didn’t speak it out to Christie or any of my staff. I didn’t say, “If I hear one more thing.” What am I going to do? Go jump up and down or jump off a cliff? It’s stupid. There’s no answer to it. So, there’s no reason to think about it.

But if you’re battling excessive frustration, you must find a place where you can find the peace of the Lord and deal with it. Don’t let it continue on for the rest of your day. That’s what I did. I just told Christie, and I told my staff, and I shut off my phone.

I found space.

I told Christie, “I’m just going to go to the office for a little bit.” She usually knows what that means, and I go out there in the office, and I sit. I have a special chair that I go to, and it’s my chair where I sit and talk to the Lord, and that’s what I did. I sat down and said, “Lord, you know where I am. I’m at the end of my rope with this. I need some good news.”

It’s hilarious because, as I was walking out of my office, Christie was sitting there, and she says to me, “Oh, wow. Hey, you want some good news?”

I thought, gosh, I only complained just a few minutes ago, and look, here it comes! And then she gave me good news.

But I still went out to be with the Lord. I spent probably about half an hour, and then it was over. I was done with that battle.

The problem is when you have excessive frustration, it is often rooted in a generational curse that cannot be overcome quickly, and then you get into oppression and depression.

  1. Do I doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness?

Yes or no? Then rate it one through 10 if you’re battling that because I’m going to say a prayer, and we’re going to start to shut some of this down.

  1. Do I battle tormenting thoughts and miss out on the peace of God?

Yes or no? Is your mind under attack with all these negative things that are going to happen?

There is a mental media manipulation attack on the world right now to get you into a place of oppression, depression, and to give up because that’s what the forces in the spirit are doing right now, trying to get you to give up so you’ll surrender your rights.

  1. Do you lack understanding and have confusion about your purpose?

Are you like, “What do I do right now? Who am I?” If that’s it, yes or no, rate it one to 10. I know my purpose. It’s a 10. Okay? I don’t know my purpose. Then you rate it one to five.

I’m going somewhere with this. {eoa}

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Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.

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