Allen Parr Unveils the Signs of a False Teacher

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Abby Trivett

In our world today, it seems as though Christians are attacking other Christians in unprecedented numbers. Are many of these teachers actually false teachers, or do we just disagree with one another?

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, YouTuber Allen Parr discussed the ways we can know if someone is truly a false teacher or not.

“I want to make sure I do my part, as a Christian teacher to equip people to be able to discern truth from error because I wasn’t able to do that early on in my walk,” Parr says.

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Parr says that the way a minister teaches is key when choosing which church to attend.

“One of the things that I look for is, is the pastor teaching expository…or is it all topical? And for those who may not know what expositional preaching is, it’s when the pastor takes a passage of Scripture, gives you the theological, biblical and cultural context of what’s happening in that passage, what came before and what came after,” Parr says.

While there can be a time and a place for various Scriptures discussing a certain topic, Parr warns of pulling too much from the Bible out of context. Not only should a true church be sharing the fullness of God’s Word, but they should also offer believers the opportunity to use individual gifts and skills.

Parr also provides a reminder that simply disagreeing with one another about theology that is not an issue of salvation does not make someone a false teacher.

“A false teacher is not someone who teaches that women can be in ministry. That’s a secondary issue that we can discuss offline. But a false teacher is someone who is teaching against the core tenets of the Christian faith.”

A false teacher, then, is someone who deviates away from the truth of the Scripture. They are someone who moves people further away from the Trinity, away from who God truly is.

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Parr also asks for Christians, specifically for Christian creators to take into consideration the type of content they are consuming and producing and the reasons why they are doing so.

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