Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

The Incredible Word God Gave Lou Engle Days Before Billy Graham’s Death

Lou Engle

February 28th, 2018, the body of Billy Graham lay in repose at the United States Capitol. President Trump spoke in his honor, recounting how this North Carolina farm boy went on to impact the globe, preaching the gospel to more than 200 million people in person, and countless others through radio and TV. Our president thanked God for Billy Graham’s extraordinary life as an “ambassador for Christ who reminded the world of the power of prayer and the gift of God’s grace.” Then, in his closing remarks, President Trump prayed a very poignant prayer for our nation, “that all across this land the Lord will raise up men and women like Billy Graham to spread a message of love and hope to every precious child of God.”

This prayer strikes at the core of what we understand to be on God’s heart in this prophetic moment. Lou Engle wrote on the day of Graham’s death, “It is my conviction that his passing is the signpost of a new day of evangelism and stadium Christianity breaking forth in America again.” For several years, the Lord has been alerting us that Billy Graham’s death would mark an important shift in the earth.

Benny Hinn prophesied in 2012 that when Graham transitioned into glory there would be a company that would “move into a manifestation of power where there won’t be just power on one or two, but upon multiplied thousands.” He said “It will be the key, the sign, of the beginning of the greatest revival on earth’.” Hinn continued, “Billy is about to go home. And when he does, I’m telling you, the whole church, get ready.”

Shortly before Azusa Now, Chris Berglund had a dream in which he saw T.L. Osborne, Billy Graham and Derek Prince circled in prayer in the upper section of the stadium. Then, last summer he was told in a dream, “At Billy Graham’s homegoing, the greatest evangelistic outpouring will be ushered in.” 

Earlier in February, Neville Johnson published a similar word, saying, “Billy Graham will make the journey home in this season, leaving behind a mantle that many will pick up. His mantle will be joined with the mantle that T.L. Osborn left behind, and this dual mantle will manifest as one evangelistic mantle that has never been seen in the earth before. With the integrity that Billy Graham had and the mighty signs and wonders that T.L. Osborn moved in, those who move in this dual mantle will reap an enormous harvest.”   

A pastor friend also dreamed a few years ago of Billy Graham’s passing. In the dream he watched the mantle that was on his life lift from him, then hover for a moment, then burst into what he understood to be about 1,000 pieces. Each of them shot with force into people all over the world, who then carried within them that same powerful anointing for evangelism.

Just days before Billy Graham’s death, Lou was fasting and praying when the Lord spoke to him about the passing of Elijah’s mantle to Elisha. Lou was immediately gripped with thoughts of Billy Graham. Right then he wrote in the margin of his Bible alongside 2 Kings 2, “I will not let you go, Billy Graham, until you let a double portion of your spirit be upon me and a new generation of evangelists.” 

Let us make this prayer of both prophet and president our prayer in this moment when the mantle yet hovers. Let us wrestle through the length of our fasting as Jacob wrestled with the Lord through the hours of the night, saying “I will not let you go, unless You bless me!” (Gen. 32:26c).

Elijah told Elisha, “If you see me when I am taken from you, it will happen to you” (2 Kings 2:10b). These concurring dreams and prophecies have given us a clear window to see the passion and purpose of God for the times we are in. Now, let’s take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of us.

  • Pray for a double portion of the spirit that rested upon Billy Graham to rest upon you and upon this generation for the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen.
  • Pray for the stadiums of the earth to be filled with prayer and fasting, with worship, with the proclamation of the gospel and with signs and wonders.
  • Pray for thousands to be drawn into 40-day fasts for personal and corporate breakthroughs of God’s power and presence being manifest in the earth.

This article originally appeared on TheCall.

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