Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Chuck Pierce Prophesies: ‘Open Up Your Mouth and Release the Glory’

Chuck Pierce (Charisma News archives)

A filling! A pouring out! A time to receive the roar of the Lion of Judah!

Shevat Firstfruits Celebration was just amazing! In this month to “Let the River Flow,” choose to tell the Lord you are jumping in. The Spirit of God is doing something as we allow His river to fill us.

Don’t be disillusioned over what didn’t germinate or mature in the last season. What did not produce can flourish in new ways as His river rises.

A Downpour of Revelation for the Month Ahead

What a rich river of revelation poured forth yesterday (Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023) through this prophetic portal. The Lord not only wanted us to hear His heart and mind, but also the intensity of His roar. Here is a portion of the amazing revelation that was released:

“You keep saying, ‘Somebody will help me, somebody will come to my aid,’ but I am already there! Look and see! Look and see! What you hold was from Me; now multiply it and cause the basis of it to form a new foundation for your life. Do not hold back in a time of people holding back. Multiply what I have already brought to you. I will be there all along the way.

“You must begin to believe again in the power of binding and loosing. In your mouth is the ability to curse the tree that is not producing and what is causing disease to eat up the harvest that I’ve already given you. Begin to believe in the power to bind and loose again. Just like I cursed the fig tree that was not producing (yet had leaves and the appearance of producing), you must again believe in the power to bind and loose. Quit spreading disease in your orchard!”

A Word to South Africa

“South Africa, bring your firstfruits! Bring your firstfruits into the house. There is provision for you, and there is a blessing I want to put on the land, but you’ve got to bring your firstfruits into the house. Even if it looks small, it carries much weight and is large in My eyes. Bring your firstfruits into the house.

“South Africa, I am returning you to your original call that you have never entered into. I will recover your call to kingdom expression for the world to see. South Africa, you will lead in a new way and you will move forward!”

Be Filled as a Vessel of My Glory

“I am calling you to house My glory—to house My presence like you’ve never housed it before. The world needs My people to begin to rise up and let My glory flow over all the earth! Open your mouth when I tell you to open your mouth, and don’t say it if I didn’t say it. I call you to release My glory and My presence everywhere you go! Open up your mouth and release the glory! It is I who made your vessel, and it is I who am longing to use it in a way you’ve never allowed Me to use it! Know I’m going to shine your vessel, I’m going to fill your vessel, and then I’m going to pour you out in a new way.

“I’ve hedged you in—left, right, front, back, over, under—and no tactic, device or procedure of the evil one will be able to come nigh you. Rejoice and be glad that you are in My house and empowered by My Spirit. Like a knife, I am cutting your past, your failures, your ‘I cant’s.’ I’m cutting you free to go into your new path. This is your season—move forward! I am shaking the times! I am shaking all the blessings out and I am shaking all the curses out. The blessings in your blood will begin to blossom and glisten like the sun. The curses in your blood will try to drown them out, but no—not this time! This time the blessings will overtake the curses!”

I Am Raising Up a Watchman Troop Who Will Feast at My Table

“I am coordinating the movement of My troops. I am bringing some in My timing. I am sending some forth to go ahead of the sound of the troops to spy the land. I am creating a watchman troop that know how to move at the breaking of the new day. Ready yourself, for you must find your place in the movement ahead. I am creating a new movement in the earth for you to enter into.

“Where you have seen enemies and been afraid to go into the land, I see a table in the midst of your enemies! I have a table laid you’ve not tasted of. Be not afraid of the enemies, but see the table and the spread of food I have for you! Don’t be afraid of the enemy—see the tableland. I have many delicacies you’ve not eaten of. Your ancestors have been afraid, but there is a troop arising that says, ‘I will not fear! I will rise, kill and eat!’

“Did I not say your enemies are your food for the future? They are your food! Go, sit in the midst of them and watch them hand over your next meal. This is a day My people must be willing to eat what I am bringing down from heaven for them! Watch the sheet come down! Watch the sheet come down! And watch it bring down what you have never tasted before.

“Remove your religion and eat what I bring you! For I have sowers and I have gatherers and I am activating a troop to gather what has been sown. Ready yourself, ready your hands and allow Me to anoint them so you grab hold of your future.

“I am the Father of war, so see war as I see war. I know when there’s a time of war and when there’s a time of peace. See your conflicts the way I see them, and enter into those conflicts with My eyes! I am the Father, I am your Daddy in the midst of war, so go forth with confidence!”

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Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshiping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including “The Passover Prophecies: How God Is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis and best-sellers “Interpreting the Times,” “Redeeming the Time” and “Time to Defeat the Devil.” He’s also co-written: “Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness,” “The Apostolic Church Arising” and “Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation.”

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