
Charisma Highlights: Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Am I Not the God of the Impossible?’

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Recently, the Lord has been speaking an audacious kind of word to me.

It started when I was prophesying at Trinity Church, my church here in Dallas and Cedar Hill, Texas. This is the word, and I just want to expand on it. The Lord is saying, “I am a master of lost causes.”

There are some situations where you just feel that you’ll never see the breakthrough, you’ll never see the change, and it’s actually affecting you emotionally. But the Lord would say, “Am I not the God of the impossible? Can’t I do great things?”

On the morning of June 5, 2022, I was praying in preparation for the Arise Women’s Summit I was hosting near Knoxville, Tennessee, when the Lord took me into an encounter.

I found myself in the library of heaven standing before a giant staircase made of extremely large books. In pure fairytale fashion, I was filled with wonder in this realm of records, where the imagination of the Father had influenced the lives of individuals, who then made history with Him on earth. The books stacked up on top of themselves and made a spiral staircase that reached up into a glimmering cloud far above.

I began to walk up this staircase, or bookcase as it were, taking my time to read the titles of each book. I was intrigued to see that books from the Bible, including the Torah and the New Testament epistles, made up some of the steps; but also incorporated in the stack were works of the saints, revivalists and reformers of old, such as Maria Woodworth-Etter, A.A. Allen, Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, the Moravians, Puritans, pilgrims, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman and the like.

All of us at some point will hit a place of getting the wind knocked out of us. We all experience unexpected detours and times when there seems to be no way out.

But there is one who lives in us, the Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us the strength to overcome obstacles. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us as we battle giants, distractions, pain and disheartening moments. We can overcome because there is life beyond the moment of what we are going through.

My friend, Robert Stearns, from Eagles’ Wings, believes these times are life-defining moments to be embraced. “Jacob became Israel after he wrestled. Your identity is changed in the wrestling. In those various moments of genuine, life-defining crisis, you have to step into the place of wrestling with God.”

Note: As the World Economic Forum rolls out the “Great Reset’”—and a new poll shows 77% of the public is concerned “microchip implants will be used to usher in a never-before-seen level of totalitarian control”—an Israeli professor and New York Times bestselling author is gaining notoriety promoting transhumanism, a movement to upgrade “humans into gods” amid claims that followers may live hundreds of years.        

Since the Dark Ages, the world has gone through a series of major epochs—the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Age of Revolution, Russian Revolution, Atomic Age, and now the Great Reset Age.

But before moving into the next age, the Messianic Age—the time when Jesus Christ will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords—the Book of Revelation tells us that two “beasts” will appear.

Everyone has a race to run. That just means we all have a life to live.

The apostle Paul says in Hebrews 12:1 (NIV), “Therefore…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Part of what that means is to keep going, even in the midst of the difficulties in life. Hard times happen to us all, but it’s how we handle them that matters most. And one day, when I’m standing before God, I want to be able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7).

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