‘Are You God?’

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Brent Simpson

When we act in a Godly way toward each other, we are displaying God's love.

Shortly after World War II came to a close, Europe began picking up the pieces. Much of the Old Country had been ravaged by war and was in ruins.

Perhaps the saddest sight of all was that of little orphaned children starving in the streets of those war-torn cities.

Early one chilly morning, an American soldier was making his way back to the barracks in London. As he turned the corner in his jeep, he spotted a little boy with his nose pressed to the window of a pastry shop. Inside, the cook was kneading dough for a fresh batch of doughnuts.

The hungry boy stared in silence, with his nose pressed against the window, drooling and watching the cook’s every move. The soldier pulled his jeep to the curb, stopped and got out.

“Son, would you like some of those?” The boy was startled. “Oh yes … I would.”

The American stepped inside and bought a dozen, put them in a bag and walked back to where the lad was standing in the foggy cold of the London morning. He smiled, held out the bag and said simply, “Here you are.”

As he turned to walk away, he felt a tug on his coat. He looked back and heard the child ask quietly, “Mister … are you God?”

When we love people with no strings attached, we are doing something quite godly. We are demonstrating in a very real way what God is like. God loves us with an unconditional agape love that is gracious, kind and rare.

Many people find it hard to believe in a God they can’t see. They want a God “with skin on.” That’s why God sent his Son, Jesus—and that’s also why he established his church.

We are God’s agents in the world—and when we are serving others, and loving them with a godly love, we are showing people what God is like. We are helping them to understand that God loves them like we do—only even more so.

Someone once said, “You may be the only Jesus a person ever sees.” That’s true. As Christians, it is an honor to be able to represent Christ to the world. Let’s make sure we represent him accurately. {eoa}

Brent Simpson has been in ministry since 1998 and is currently the senior pastor of Brandon Assembly of God in Brandon, Florida. Brandon Assembly is a rapidly growing and vibrant church that strives to create an atmosphere where God moves. He also currently serves as the Presbyter for Section 10 of the Pen Florida District of the Assemblies of God. He has ministered as a youth pastor, music pastor, senior pastor, evangelist, apologist, teacher and musician. He is the author of Where’s the Beef: Reclaiming the Power of God in Your Life and Ministry and the TRUTH Apologetic curriculum.

For the original article, visit brentsimpson.com.

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