Rejoicing Comes in the Morning

Amid incredible loss, you can still trust God to bring good out of every situation. I know because he did it for our family.

The start of the year 1999 crackled with excitement. God’s blessings and promises to our family seemed so near, we could almost reach out and touch them. In 1998 we had traveled and ministered together in churches around the country–Harry and I preaching as a team and our three children, Harry III, Roman and Gabrielle, singing, laying hands on the sick, and ministering in the services. Many people told us we had the most unique ministry to families they had ever experienced.

Now we were entering a new year and a new level of ministry. Our travel calendar for 1999 was booked solid. We were scheduled to take God’s message of love and hope to more people in more places than ever before.

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The Tangled Web

It was impossible to accept, but now the glaring evidence was undeniable. My husband of more than 25 years had been unfaithful to me for a long time.

A chill crept over me as I stared at the computer screen in disbelief. I struggled to comprehend the e-mail I had just opened. It was clearly a love letter, and its contents made it obvious the writer and addressee had been intimate over a long period of time. The incomprehensible part: This e-mail was signed by my husband–and it was not addressed to me.

The e-mail explained why, 10 days before, our lives had taken a devastating turn. We had spent a beautiful, sunny January day picnicking at a riverside park with our son. Later, after Trevor* had run off to play at a neighbor’s and I had started cooking dinner, my husband, George*, appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, suitcase in hand.

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How to Avoid Gaining 10 Pounds During the Holidays

At the risk of sounding like Ebenezer Scrooge, I will state unequivocally that I dislike the holidays. From sunup on Thanksgiving until sundown on New Year’s, I am provided with unparalleled high-calorie grazing options and numerous chocolate-consuming opportunities. These memorable moments in munching are the recipe for diet disaster. The task of keeping my weight

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God Saved My Husband

After living to-gether for nearly two years, my husband and I were married in 1980. A few years before, my mother was born again and began praying for my salvation.

Not long after her own encounter with God, my mother led me to the Lord. At 22, I was a new wife, a new Christian and a new mother. I was also a student–learning to walk with God and reading the Bible for the first time in my life.

My husband was not influenced by my conversion, however. He didn’t want anything to do with the things of God. But his disinterest did not prevent me from standing on the Word of God for his salvation.

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The History America Chose to Forget

Racial Reconciliation

The lynching of black Americans has been an ugly, forgotten secret in our nation’s past. Now, a historic photo exhibit has exposed the magnitude of a horror we can no longer ignore.

Photos from the book Without Sanctuary courtesy of Twin Palms Publishing.

As morning dew settled on the almost unidentifiable remains of a Negro whose tragic fate had been sealed at the hands of an angry white mob, black undertaker J.B. Stone removed the ravaged body left hanging from a tree and prepared it for burial.

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Heartburn: Put Out the Fire

Antacids may not be the answer.

There are many different causes for heartburn and indigestion, which include hiatal hernia, gastroesophogeal (GE) reflux, gastritis, ulcer disease, gallbladder disease, excessive acid production, low acid production, pancreatic insufficiency and food allergy. But I believe one of the most common causes of heartburn and indigestion is hypochlorhydria, which is decreased gastric acid secretion or, more simply put, not enough hydrochloric acid.

Approximately 50 percent of people over the age of 50 have low stomach acidity. The stressful lifestyles of most Americans account for much of this. Carrying too heavy a stress load is like running your car engine past the red line, or leaving your toaster stuck in the “on” position, or running a nuclear reactor past maximum permissible power. Sooner or later something will break, burn up or melt down.

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Heartburn: Put Out the Fire

Antacids may not be the answer.

There are many different causes for heartburn and indigestion, which include hiatal hernia, gastroesophogeal (GE) reflux, gastritis, ulcer disease, gallbladder disease, excessive acid production, low acid production, pancreatic insufficiency and food allergy. But I believe one of the most common causes of heartburn and indigestion is hypochlorhydria, which is decreased gastric acid secretion or, more simply put, not enough hydrochloric acid.

Approximately 50 percent of people over the age of 50 have low stomach acidity. The stressful lifestyles of most Americans account for much of this. Carrying too heavy a stress load is like running your car engine past the red line, or leaving your toaster stuck in the “on” position, or running a nuclear reactor past maximum permissible power. Sooner or later something will break, burn up or melt down.

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