
New Network Focuses on Testimonies of Messianic Jews

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Russ Jones

Daniel and D'vorah Calic

Bless Israel Network is a media organization based in Israel. The program’s hosts, Daniel and D’vorah Calic, are Messianic believers who live in Israel. They are currently in the production stages of their initial weekly broadcast project titled Revelation to the Nations.

“The environment in Israel over the last several years has changed significantly,” Daniel Calic says. “We feel God has called us to present this window of opportunity out to the nations on behalf of the believing Jews inside Israel.”

D’vorah Calic maintains that there are roughly 15,000 Messianic Jews living in Israel and 175 congregations.

“There are many traditional Jews who are receiving visions and dreams,” D’vorah Calic says. “Yeshua is appearing to them and they are accepting Him as their Messiah. Though we won’t be able to reveal names, we would like to share some of those stories, and we do hear about them firsthand.” 

The Calics are negotiating broadcast agreements with various providers across the globe. The Bless Israel Network will archive Revelation to the Nations on its website and upload each broadcast to its network YouTube channel.

A major goal of the network is to foster closer relations between Jews and Gentiles. The Calics add that the program will include informative material about the land and people, and why a focus on Zion is important.

For the original article, visit onenewsnow.com.

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