
Iron Dome Success Sparks Defense Spending Initiative

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Times of Israel

Israel's Iron Dome Defense System

In the wake of Pillar of Defense success, Iron Dome spending may balloon from $210 million to $680 million.

Congress wants to at least double the Obama administration’s funding request for anti-missile cooperation with Israel. Obama asked Congress for $99.9 million in 2013 for “Israel co-operative programs,” which include operations like the long-range Arrow anti-missile system and the short-range David’s Sling.

The U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year recommended adding $168 million to that request, and the Senate recommended adding $100 million in its own National Defense Authorization Act. The bill separately authorizes new funding for Iron Dome, the short-range anti-missile system Israel used to deflect most rockets targeting populated areas that were launched from the Gaza Strip during its recent conflict with Hamas terrorists.

The Senate recommends $420 million for Iron Dome, double the $210 million the Obama administration is expected to request, and the House recommended $680 million. Those amounts will be reconciled by a conference committee.

Funding for cooperation on missile programs like Arrow and David’s Sling is not considered assistance because it benefits U.S. as well as Israeli defense development.

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