
Dani Dayan: Two-State Solution Only a ‘Mirage’

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Jerusalem Post

Palestinian activist

Dani Dayan, former head of the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, on Friday, said the two-state solution “never existed.”

Speaking on the BBC news show “Hardtalk,” Dayan said the views of the ultra-Right are “quite realistic, as Israel is beginning to understand the two-state solution never existed, it was a mirage. You get closer to it, and you understand it was just hot air.”

Continuing, Dayan blamed the failure not on Israel, or the settlers, but on the “refusal of the Palestinians to accept it.” The former settler council chief said although he sought annexation of Judea and Samaria, it “will not happen in the near future, but it is a natural outcome.”

He added that he liked much of Netanyahu’s settlement construction plans.

“I see a political attitude towards the Palestinians that I admire,” Dayan said. “Netanyahu is beginning to understand there is not going to be a two-state solution.”

Israelis will go to the polls Tuesday, Jan 22 to elect members of parliament. Few doubt Netanyahu is on his way to re-election as Israel’s prime minister.

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