
Can Israel Support a Joe Biden Policy on Iran?

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Luke Hilton

Democratic candidate Joe Biden has stated that he wants to return to the 2015 Iran deal if he takes office. Israel most certainly cannot support such a policy, but with their own government struggling to hold itself together, they may not have the strength to stand up to America.

Israel is in process of dissolving the Knesset and heading to elections for the fourth time in two years. Can the right-wing parties put together a strong coalition who will work together?

Who will stop Iran from creating a nuclear bomb? Find out by listening to the Joshua and Caleb Report on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

The Joshua and Caleb Report is a weekly show that broadcasts radical, biblical truths straight from Israel’s biblical heartland. Don’t settle for lies and negativity—listen to our weekly show to be empowered to stand confidently with God’s land and people.

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