Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

For six months, I sat anxiously in doctor’s offices as tests continued to come back with red flags. More time would pass and more procedures were ordered. I prayed in faith for healing yet the process seemed to drag on endlessly. When I would seek the Lord, He kept reassuring me of how much He loved me. What I didn’t realize is that those words of love were healing something deeper.

At the conclusion of six agonizing months of exploration, good news came in the form of a clean bill of health. By that time, however, I had gone on a journey with the Lord that was far more valuable than the medical results. Why do some healings happen instantly while others take years? Do some ailments have a spiritual tie? How do we know when God is speaking a word of healing into our lives? When we do get a word of healing, what do we do next to steward it?

There is an incredible tie biblically between God speaking and healing. Exodus 15:26 (NIV) tells us, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” Similarly, the centurion in Matthew 8, famously commended for his faith, responded to Jesus’ offer of a healing visit by saying, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed” (verse 8, ESV). What if God is saying the word that holds your healing? By using the lens of healing in our daily listening, we can begin to notice what healing words the Lord is speaking over our lives, even before we see the manifestation. Listen to the full episode called “Is God Speaking Healing Over Me?” from the show Hear God Everyday with Sara Whitten on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Sara Whitten is an author, speaker, equipper and founder of Arrows of Zion Ministry (arrowsofzion.com). She and her husband are pastors for the youth of Impact Christian Fellowship in Kerrville, Texas. Sara is a prophetic writer that is featured on Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, Charisma and more. She hosts Hear God Everyday on Charisma Podcast Network, a podcast with tools to help amplify the voice of God amidst the noise of everyday life. Sara co-founded One Spark International, an organization that sponsors Bible-based training and education in unreached and restricted nations in order to see the gospel reach all people groups. She is also an active part of groups that train and invest in professionals wanting to use their businesses or marketplace skills to transform unreached nations areas for the kingdom. You can connect with Sara on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

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