Do We Have Too Many Ministry Divas?

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Phil Cooke


We’re seeing a real rise in what I would call “ministry divas.” These
are men and women who are pastors, or ministry or spiritual leaders
whose focus is more on themselves than the people they serve. As a
public service to our readers, the global research team at Cooke Pictures
has developed a list of warning signs that someone might be a ministry
diva. The following warning signs can apply to either a man or a woman:

1. He doesn’t participate in worship. He only comes out to preach.
2. He’s escorted on and off the platform so he doesn’t actually have to mingle with people.
3. He has multiple assistants—or what some call “armor-bearers” to carry his cell phone, Bible, man-purse, etc.
4. He doesn’t travel that much, but needs a private jet when he does.
5. When he visits other churches, he naturally assumes he’ll get either a seat on the platform or a front row seat.
6. When he promotes his books, he always calls it a “best-seller” even though it wasn’t.
7. He makes ever growing demands on the church for more free time, bigger perks, larger personal staff, etc.
8. He spends more on his wardrobe and cars than the church spends on the children’s program.
Divorce is OK for him, because of the ministry pressures he’s under. So
when it happens, he doesn’t need to step down or submit to
counseling—he doesn’t need it.
10. When he advertises a conference in magazines or other places, his picture is the biggest thing on the ad.

Have you noticed other warning signs we should be looking for?

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