Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Trump Verdict: What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

(Screenshot, YouTube/Fox News)

We don’t always understand why things happen, but we know God remains sovereign. 

Putting the blatant inconsistencies of the Left aside—such as if Trump were a Democrat, none of this would be happening, to ignoring the Epstein list and the Biden family’s criminal allegations (all of which are worse than the charges against Trump)—God allowed this guilty verdict to happen, but why? Here are three possible reasons:

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1. We reap what we sow.

Every action has a consequence. As with all of us, Trump’s earlier choices have consequences that have exposed dealings in his past. But the Banana Republic of America is acting just like the Pharisees Jesus criticized when he said, “Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!” (Matt. 23:24, NASB). He was pointing out that they focused on unimportant details while ignoring the truly important things.  

As Christians, we forgive and allow people to move forward. And when it comes to the charges of Trump’s “character,” many of us realize that we are not electing a pastor-in-chief but a commander-in-chief. 

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I can unapologetically say his character does not matter to me nearly as much as the Left approving the killing of the unborn, allowing men to enter women’s locker rooms and turning a blind eye to trafficking children. 

How deceived are we when things such as murdering and exploiting innocents are no big deal, but Trump’s character is? We should at least be consistent.

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