Shane Idleman

  • Diverting Disaster: California Pastor’s Urgent Call to President Trump

    Diverting Disaster: California Pastor’s Urgent Call to President Trump

    When I heard about the attempt on your life, my heart sank. I was in Southern California, less than a half-mile from where I was when I heard the news that Ronald Reagan was shot 43 years ago. I will always remember both those days. Pastoring a Bible-believing church in California is a challenge, but

  • In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

    In Dire Times, Faith Must Fight

  • 7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    7 Reasons Christian Leaders Fail

    In light of what’s going on with Robert Morris and Tony Evans, I decided to re-release this article so we can all focus on finishing strong. Why do Christian leaders fail? They fail for the same reason all Christians fail. Each of us is drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When we

  • Let’s Consider This as SBC, Others Consider Female Pastors

    Let’s Consider This as SBC, Others Consider Female Pastors

    From the Southern Baptists to other mainline denominations and many additional churches, the topic of female pastors is prevalent, so I’m re-releasing my thoughts on this topic. Let me begin by saying that I know and appreciate a number of women who have been recognized as pastors. They are diligent, steadfast and hard-working. Our country has

  • Here’s Something to Celebrate During Pride Month

    Here’s Something to Celebrate During Pride Month

    Our culture’s celebration of Pride Month has become an opportunity to attack Christianity, saying it is a religion of hate. To say authentic Christians hate or fear homosexuals or the transgender community demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of our faith. One of the marks of true Christianity is the ability to relate to people at their

  • Trump Verdict: What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

    Trump Verdict: What Could God Be Teaching the Church?

    We don’t always understand why things happen, but we know God remains sovereign.  Putting the blatant inconsistencies of the Left aside—such as if Trump were a Democrat, none of this would be happening, to ignoring the Epstein list and the Biden family’s criminal allegations (all of which are worse than the charges against Trump)—God allowed

  • After Guilty Verdict, Should Christians Still Support Donald Trump?

    After Guilty Verdict, Should Christians Still Support Donald Trump?

    “How can you follow Jesus and Donald Trump?” Many are not following a man; they are helping shape a movement. A better, biblical question to ask is this: What direction is the country heading? Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!  The short answer to the original question is “Absolutely, especially after

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Urgent Memorial Day Wake-Up Call

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Urgent Memorial Day Wake-Up Call

    “We have forgotten God, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own” —Abraham Lincoln. One Nation Above God Over the last few decades, Americans have seen the destruction of the institution of marriage between a man and

  • Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?

    Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?

    With recent shootings in public and in churches, the question of self-defense has been coming up lately. But first, let’s be clear: What we are seeing today is not a gun problem; it’s a moral problem called sin.  Vengeance Is Not Self-Defense  One Scripture often used to support pacifism and banning weapons is Proverbs 20:22 (NKJV), “Do

  • The Church Needs Conviction, Not Candy

    The Church Needs Conviction, Not Candy

    Let me state up front that I’m quite aware of my own shortcomings as a pastor. We all struggle with something, but do we humble ourselves, repent and return in the power of the Spirit. or do we continue to quench and grieve the Spirit?  The difference is life-changing!  Offering Candy When We Need Conviction

  • Attention Megachurch Leaders: Immediate Response Needed

    Attention Megachurch Leaders: Immediate Response Needed

    I’m not against megachurches. God often blesses a work, and a church grows, but there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Some megachurches are doctrinally sound, filled with excitement and expectations, while others have a mere motivational speaker leading them away from theological depth and width. Or worse yet, the recent disaster at a men’s conference

  • 5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ

    5 Things that Hinder the Presence of Christ

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 25 Seconds Note: Watch the sermon here, where this article originated. Most believers understand that God is everywhere, but the Bible is also clear that the power and presence of Christ can fill the heart of the believer who completely surrenders to Him. His presence changes everything! So it’s no secret

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Why His Presence Must be Our Pursuit

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Why His Presence Must be Our Pursuit

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 9 Seconds Although God is everywhere, or what theologians call omnipresent, there is a marked difference between a believer who is dry spiritually and dead inside compared to one who is full of passion, desire and fire. The corridors of church history are filled with stories of Christians being spiritually dead

  • WATCH: Spirit-Filled Pastor Says ‘God’s Word Will Offend Quite a Few People’

    WATCH: Spirit-Filled Pastor Says ‘God’s Word Will Offend Quite a Few People’

    In this fiery sermon clip, California pastor Shane Idleman speaks out against the Left’s hypocrisy, men having babies and Martha’s Vineyard. If we don’t say something, who will? Watch this video for a portion of a straight-up, no-nonsense message. {eoa} Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship, in Lancaster, Ca.

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Only Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Only Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

    One thing is crystal clear in America: If we truly want change, we must re-spark biblical boldness and flame the fires of biblical action. If we won’t fight, then spiritually speaking, we will fade away. I recently attended a large gathering of pastors in San Diego organized by Turning Point USA Faith. During one of

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