Heads Up, Deplorables—Hillary Clinton Says She May Run Again

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Larry Tomczak

Aware that the coming 2020 election will probably be the most consequential one in America’s history, Americans are now coming to grips with another possible turn of events! Hillary Clinton, who has sought the presidency two previous times, now reveals the possibility of another attempt.

Former President Bill Clinton—nicknamed “the comeback kid”—may now throw the cape with that title emblazoned upon it over her shoulders.

Last time around, she alienated tens of millions, labeling them “deplorables” for supporting Donald Trump and believing he could restore America’s greatness. This time around, if she runs, she could be cast as a Joan of Arc figure coming out from the shadows to bring America back together.

Watch this brief and informative video so you will be informed and vigilant in the face of unfolding developments. {eoa}

Larry Tomczak is a 45-year board member of Intercessors for America national prayer ministry and host of the “Here’s the Deal” 15-minute podcasts on the Charisma Podcast Network Monday-Thursday. Stay in tune and stay watchful in prayer as you watch.

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