Entrepreneur? Prophet? Maybe Both

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Keith Ferrante

I thought to myself, “There must be a better way, God.”

I was referring to the struggle I had embracing that my prophetic calling could be intertwined with an entrepreneur spirit.

I’d grown up as a third-generation pastor. Pastors and business don’t seem to be on the same wavelength of thinking many times.

But then I began to discover that not only I was a pastor, I was also a prophet. Even more than that, I also had an entrepreneur edge.

Those three elements didn’t seem to fit well together—prophet, pastor, entrepreneur.

But they do. They are actually found in the life of Joseph.

Joseph was an amazing entrepreneur-prophet who loved God and heard from God, and everything he touched turned to gold.

Do you ever feel like the different aspects of your gifting don’t fit together either?

Do you sense a prophetic call on your life but wrestle with the fact that you love to work in the marketplace?

Are you good at helping others get breakthrough in business?

Do you see where things are out of order in systems, organizations and with leadership structures?

Maybe you could have a prophetic grace on your life, but it’s not to be a message-prophet. It’s to be an entrepreneur-prophet like Joseph.

Join me on Emerging Prophets on Charisma Podcast Network to learn more about this exciting revelation. {eoa}

Keith Ferrante founded and runs a movement called Emerging Prophets. The purpose of this movement is to discover, develop and deploy revival and reformer prophets into every sphere of society. Keith also founded and runs a prophetic consulting movement that helps businesspeople get breakthrough in their businesses. Keith is also an author. Prophesying Like a Prophet and 5-Fold Entrepreneur are two of his latest books. You can find his books and other info about Keith at emergingprophets.com.

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