Keith Ferrante

  • What Is Your Identity as a Prophet?

    What Is Your Identity as a Prophet?

    There is a difference between knowing who you are as God’s son or daughter and knowing your identity as a prophet. The prophet’s identity is to help you understand your job as a prophet. Your revelation of being God’s son or daughter is to help you live from a place of acceptance in Christ. Many

  • The Gifting That Brings You Before Kings

    The Gifting That Brings You Before Kings

    Your gifting and anointing will bring you before influential people. There are several errors prophetic people make that hurt their effectiveness surrounding gifting. One of them lies in misunderstanding where the gift is being used. Often people use their gifting in the wrong places. They have a good prophetic gift, gift of discernment or other

  • Why Believers Must Walk With Nehemiah’s Perspective

    Why Believers Must Walk With Nehemiah’s Perspective

    Hope is the expectation that things are getting better. It is OK for us as prophetic people to see some things in the world that are broken down. But we need to have the perspective of Nehemiah. He saw the walls were broken down but then he released a strategy of how to see the

  • The Anointing that Breaks the Yoke and Promotes You!

    The Anointing that Breaks the Yoke and Promotes You!

    Recently the Lord showed me 1 Samuel 22:2 (NIV) as a word for the year 2022. “All those who were in distress, or in debt, or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander.” The year 2022 will be a year that those who have overcome the Goliaths in their spheres, and the lions

  • The Deliverer Prophets

    The Deliverer Prophets

    Now is the time more than ever that we need some deliverer-type Moses prophets that are willing to put themselves in harm’s way for a people that do not have voices for themselves. I live in California and there are definitely a whole generation of people here that just accept what the Pharoahs over the

  • Prophets of the Presence

    Prophets of the Presence

    I am wrecked by the revelation that God has been giving me concerning His grace and mercy. Abraham stepped into resurrection power and saw a son birthed when his and Sarah’s bodies absolutely could not produce children. That is the place God wants the prophetic people of God and His prophets to step into. It’s

  • Double Portion Prophet

    Double Portion Prophet

    Double portion: What does that mean anyway? Many have given some great commentary on what that could be. I have loved studying up on the lives of Elijah and Elisha to discover this. I believe I am a double portion prophet. A double portion prophet is someone who walks with mother and father prophets and

  • Who Are You a Prophet To?

    Who Are You a Prophet To?

    Many people declare that they are prophets. I like to ask them, “Who are you a prophet to?” If you are a prophet, there will be a clarity of the assignment. Prophet is not an identity … It’s a job description. Jeremiah was called as a prophet to nations; that was his assignment. Then God

  • Prophet to a Nation

    Prophet to a Nation

    A prophet to a nation. Could you be one? Could I be? That is what has gripped me as I have watched the moral decay and the demonic agenda of the enemy clobbering the nation I love and call home: America. What has happened over the last few years to advance demonic agendas in government

  • Entrepreneur? Prophet? Maybe Both

    Entrepreneur? Prophet? Maybe Both

    I thought to myself, “There must be a better way, God.” I was referring to the struggle I had embracing that my prophetic calling could be intertwined with an entrepreneur spirit. I’d grown up as a third-generation pastor. Pastors and business don’t seem to be on the same wavelength of thinking many times. But then

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