Mission Trip Opportunity to Romania

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Do you have a heart for the poorest of the poor? Do you feel a desire to reach the broken people who for generations have lived in spiritual darkness?

We want to invite you to pray about joining our mission to Romania Sept. 17-25 to take the hope and the truth of Christ to the gypsies in one of the poorest parts of Romania!

Being a gypsy in Romania is being an outcast. Most of them live in dire poverty in the slums and are marginalized by the society. If they want to succeed, they have to leave their community and hide their origins to avoid persecution and discrimination.

Often families have to skip meals due to lack of money and children rarely can attend schools.

World Missions Alliance partners with churches in Timisoara whose focus is the evangelistic outreach to these families in the southern part of Romania.

We will also conduct women’s ministry, youth outreach and pastor’s leadership training in Timisoara, often called “little Vienna” due to its large number of green parks, flowers and unique architecture.

The number of non-Orthodox Christians in Romania is less than 30 percent of the population. The Communist regime, which lasted in Romania from the mid-1940s until 1989, forbids faith in God, causing several generations to be raised without the knowledge of the Truth!

Eastern Europe today is still more open to the gospel than the West, though.

You can make a big impact for Christ there in two ways:

  1. Pray about joining our team and preaching the gospel to those who are desperate.
  2. Give Bibles. There is hardly a more powerful tool to change a life.

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