Jesus & the Gospel

  • Day 1 in Jerusalem: ‘Hosanna in the Highest!’

    Day 1 in Jerusalem: ‘Hosanna in the Highest!’

    It is an amazing and awesome sight. The carpenter’s son from Nazareth, who has been performing miracles that defy belief and whom many believe will save Israel from the tyrannical grip of the Romans, is entering into Jerusalem on a donkey with throngs of people behind him waving palm branches and saying, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is

  • The Not-So-Hidden Universalist and LGBTQ Agenda in the Church

    The Not-So-Hidden Universalist and LGBTQ Agenda in the Church

    A few weeks ago, a video surfaced on YouTube called, “I Got Kicked Out of an LGBTQ Church.” What it revealed was even more shocking than a simple disconnect between the LGBTQ community and Christianity. Bo Dittle, a Christian and conservative YouTuber went to Unity Church of the Cumberlands in Tennessee to listen to the

  • Gang Member Healed of Cancer and Fentanyl Addiction Now Serving Christ

    Gang Member Healed of Cancer and Fentanyl Addiction Now Serving Christ

    Mario Murillo says it’s the most unique evangelistic situation he has ever seen in all of his years of ministry. Last week during the Living Proof Bakersfield meetings, Murillo said there were wealthy people who came to find Jesus. There were homeless people who came to find Jesus. But, to Murillo’s surprise, it was a

  • A Special Place in Hell’s Fire for Liars

    A Special Place in Hell’s Fire for Liars

    Lies and liars seem to be everywhere. Presidents and politicians have lied about their backgrounds, policies or qualifications. Former government officials have lied about “classified” documents. Job applicants have lied about college degrees or prior-positions held. Modern liars lie—and without shame! School principals and school boards lie. Students lie. Musicians lie about melodies or chord

  • How to Get the Bible Inside of You

    How to Get the Bible Inside of You

    If you had fed your body the same way you fed your spirit in the last 12 months, would you be here today? Here are a few tips for your spirit man to grow by learning to harbor the Word of God within you. Read It (Matt. 12:3) – Jesus expected people to read the

  • Wood Uses Scripture to Defend Saddleback’s Position on Women Pastors

    Wood Uses Scripture to Defend Saddleback’s Position on Women Pastors

    Andy Wood isn’t about to apologize for Saddleback’s Church stance on appointing women to positions of authority in his church. Wood, who took over as lead pastor at Saddleback last fall for founding pastor Rick Warren, says that, despite the fact his church was expelled from the Southern Baptist Convention in February for its decision

  • Dr. Michael Brown: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?

    Dr. Michael Brown: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?

    In recent years prominent leaders in the faith from worshipers, to seminary professors and even pastors have fallen away from their faith in God and renounced Jesus entirely. That begs the questions—is the once saved always saved doctrine biblical? Apologist and author Dr. Michael Brown wrote a book “Why So Many Christians Have Left the

  • Why and How to Move in the Opposite Spirit

    Why and How to Move in the Opposite Spirit

    This season, many of you are up against the spirit of rejection and oppression in the spiritual realm. You can feel it. There is doubt, unbelief, fear or self-condemnation. These things are not overcoming thoughts but rather are overwhelming thoughts. God made you to be an overcomer, and you do this by moving in the

  • ‘Unholy Alliances’ Form to Make Bible Prophecy a Coming Reality

    ‘Unholy Alliances’ Form to Make Bible Prophecy a Coming Reality

    End-times expert Michael Snyder says it’s like “watching a really bad Hollywood disaster movie slowly play out.” Only this time, he says, billions of people could end up dead. On his popular website, “The Economic Collapse Blog,” Snyder recently said that, “thanks to the endless bumbling of the Biden administration, Russia and China have been

  • ‘The Chosen’: Jesus Rejected Delivers Powerful Message

    ‘The Chosen’: Jesus Rejected Delivers Powerful Message

    The hit television series “The Chosen,” portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. Even if 2,000 years have gone by, the hurt and pain of rejection by those you love and trust most is a sting that never changes

  • ‘Jesus Revolution’ Experiences Double Portion at Box Office

    ‘Jesus Revolution’ Experiences Double Portion at Box Office

    Originally projected to bring in $7 million during its opening weekend, the Erwin brothers latest film “Jesus Revolution” raked in more than twice that amount and became the third highest-grossing movie over the weekend as the nation continues to experience revival. The Lionsgate movie “Jesus Revolution” brought in a total of $15,525,000 in more than

  • 7 Reasons Why the Church Should Celebrate Weekly Communion

    7 Reasons Why the Church Should Celebrate Weekly Communion

    Note: In this brief article, I will not deal with the various historical views regarding the essence of Holy Communion. Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret “sola scriptura” to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as there’s some adherence to the Bible. We fail to realize that the early church observed certain

  • A Message to Silence Asbury University Critics

    A Message to Silence Asbury University Critics

    When the Jesus movement took off in the late 1960’s, hippies with long wild hair and bare feet came together to worship God on college campuses. Many Christians were critical of their rhythm, drums, electric guitars and funky style. Later, many of those critical Christians came to accept what God was doing during that movement.

  • Are You Making God’s Purpose Your Own?

    Are You Making God’s Purpose Your Own?

    Businesses exist to maximize profits. Consumers maximize utility (satisfaction). Politicians attempt to maximize votes. By law, the U.S. Federal reserve has three objectives: maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long-term interest rates. Purposes can vary by the type of entity, current conditions and individual. Incentive follows purpose. Businesses, as they attempt to maximize profits in

  • Pastor Greg Locke’s New Movie Takes the Fight to Satan

    Pastor Greg Locke’s New Movie Takes the Fight to Satan

    Hoping to re-engage the American church in spiritual warfare, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, hopes to mobilize God’s faithful against Satan. To do this, he and members of the Demon Slayers Podcast have created a movie filled with the Word of God to confront and overcome the enemy.

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