Jesus & the Gospel

  • We Shall Return the Same Way We Came

    Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12 When Ron, our middle son, was about eight years old, he asked us this question: "When we meet Jesus in the air, will we have on any clothes?" My husband thought for a moment, and then said with an official scholarly voice, "Son, the Bible says naked we come into the world and…

  • The Great Exchange

    2 Corinthians 5:12-21 My middle son, Ron, was in Bogota, Colombia on a mission journey. He went with a team into a drug dealing area called the Cartuge. His team visited a drug rehabilitation center there where criminals were learning about Jesus and being born again. When Ron entered the center he felt impressed by…

  • Who Is Our Daysman?

    Job 8:1-11:20 Job in this passage cries out for a daysman to stand between him and God. He was crying out for a mediator between God and himself. Job did not know that God's plan from the beginning of the earth was to provide such a daysman. Jesus Christ, who would be our intercessor and…

  • The Blessings of the Righteous

    Psalm 37:12-28 We have talked a lot about the blessings that come to those who have been made righteous through Jesus Christ and who abide daily in Him and His Word. I did a study once on the multitude of blessings that actually overtake those who fear the Lord and who walk uprightly with Him.…

  • Why Faith, Hope and Love Last Forever

    1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13 Most people are familiar with this passage of Scripture. It is often used in wedding ceremonies and often referred to as the "Love Chapter." Chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians has much to say about love, but because of its familiarity we often miss the rich depth of this passage. After reading this…

  • God’s Character

    Psalm 36:1-12 The reason people do not trust God is because they do not have a complete view of His character. To trust anyone we must know that this person speaks truthfully, has no guile and has our best interest at heart. The Psalm and Proverb readings today express so beautifully God's character. In Psalm…

  • What Would Jesus Do?

    1 Corinthians 10:15-11:2 Many today are wearing a bracelet with the initials W.W.J.D? This stands for, "What would Jesus do?" My older sister was impressed with a family who counseled their children to ask "What would Jesus do?" when they were wrestling with whether to do something or not. The answer to the question "What…

  • What Stands Forever?

    Psalm 33:1-11 In a world that is falling apart, we need a place of security. Earlier we spoke of such a place—the pavilion in the presence of the Lord where we can hide from the strife of tongues. If you have ever experienced an earthquake or a tornado, you have an understanding of how your…

  • Why Are We So Blessed?

    Psalm 32:1-11 Each day I live I come to appreciate the cross and what happened on that dreadful, but victorious day over two thousand years ago. I am a blessed person for no other reason than the blood of Jesus that was poured out for me to cover my sins. David had not yet seen…

  • Who Can Judge?

    1 Corinthians 6:1-20 We continue to meditate on judging others. First we learned not to judge anything before the time. Yesterday we saw where Paul judged the sin of a fornicator in the body and exhorted the body at Corinth to break fellowship with him until he repented. Today's passage states an amazing fact about…

  • Judge Nothing Before the Time

    Judge Nothing Before the Time

    We would be much better off if we released all judgment into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, who truly is the only righteous judge. He alone has the ability to see into the hearts of men, and He alone knows the rest of the story. Jesus knows the secret motivations of every heart.

  • A Blameless Life

    1 Corinthians 1:1-17 Is it possible to live a blameless life? As I meditated on our New Testament reading today, the verse that gave me great hope was, "Who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (v. 8).

  • More With Us Than With Them

    2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13 For years my husband and I did not have daily prayer together. In fact, we had been married twenty-five years before we started praying together daily. Of course, we did pray for things as they came up, but usually we had our own quiet time with God individually. During those years, however,…

  • He Is Lord Whether You Believe It or Not

    Romans 14:1-23 The lordship of Jesus Christ is clearly stated in two of our readings today. Psalm 24 declares the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Many, however, will never acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ. Paul tells us in our Romans passage that there will be a day when every knee will…

  • The Only Thing We Need to Owe

    Romans 13:1-14 Each day our national debt and the debts of many citizens are rising. The convenience of the credit card is sending many to a debtor's prison. I heard recently that the average credit card debt for the American household is $20,000. Can you imagine the interest that will accumulate if this debt is…

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