
  • Hope

    Proverbs 13:12-14 Hope is the expression of something good. Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm hoping for the bad"? Hope is the substance of faith. Faith is not a wispy substance that floats in the air. By faith the children of Israel walked on water across the Jordan. The moment the first priest put…

  • Give Me the Mountain

    Joshua 13:1-14:15 Caleb was forty years old when Moses sent Joshua, him and others to spy out the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the only two who came back with a good report and were the only two adult men who survived the wilderness experience for forty years. They survived because they were…

  • A Grateful Heart

    Luke 17:11-37 Thanks seems to be a word that is used less and less in this culture. People seem to expect to be served, and it doesn't cross their minds to thank the person serving them. This passage in Luke tells the story of ten lepers who were cleansed by Jesus. Only one returned to…

  • Your Future Matters More than Your Past!

    Destiny is about looking forward.During my youth, I did everything I knew to fit in. As a result, I fell in with the wrong crowd, did the wrong things and was on the wrong road to my future. Had there not been a major intervention by God, I would probably have been dead before the…

  • Jews Need Jesus Too

    Jews Need Jesus Too

    The Bible declares in John 14:6 that there is only one plan of salvation for all people. Jewish leaders finally are realizing that evangelical Christians are Israel’s best friends. As a Jewish believer, I rejoice over this growing love and support for the country and the people. I am grateful for the rallies, financial support

  • Take a Stand for Righteousness

    When Katherine Harris became secretary of state in Florida in 1998, she had no idea she would play a significant role in the history of our country. But when her position required her to certify the outcome of the 2000 presidential election in her state, she took a stand based on what she believed was…

  • Reflections From the Man in the Mirror

    In 1986, Patrick Morley discipled a handful of men who met together in an Orlando-area bar to study the Bible. Today, he challenges men in 80 countries to be Christ's disciples. New Man recognizes an icon of the modern men's movement.The letter came from a New Jersey man who attended a conference sponsored by a…

  • Driven

    He has the unenviable task of following in the tracks of a NASCAR legend-chasing records that may never be broken. But make no mistake, Kyle Petty is his own man … fueled by a desire to leave his mark on the racing world and to carry on the work of the son he lost five…

  • Inside the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist

    A look inside the mind of Islamic terrorists reveals why they are willing to give up their lives-and why they can't be stopped by weapons made by man.Indoctrinated since childhood and trained in secret camps across the Middle East, they are dominated by an aggressive religion and fueled by a belief that they are doing…

  • Men of the Year

    Bono and Bush, Jakes and Jennings. The Men of the Year for 2005 have dug wells of inspiration from which others who aspire to the exceptional might drink.There is little more beautiful to behold in the world than a man in the grasp of an idea. Women, of course, are also thrilling when they passionately…

  • How to Win ANY Battle in Life

    You've tried it your way and failed. Don't give up! Choose to stay in the game and see how God even takes our mistakes and builds them into our greatest victories. How many times have we heard this one: “It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game that counts.” Some…

  • Escape the Rat Race

    Do you have what it takes to be your own boss? Before you say no, consider this: Your quest for 'security' may be keeping you from seeing new and better opportunities.We often refer to the workplace as “being in the rat race,” but this is probably unfair. It's actually demeaning to the rats. Rats won't…

  • The Search for Adam

    Many people regard the story of Adam and Eve as a myth. But scientific evidence is mounting in support of a single shared ancestor, indicating not only that Adam existed, but that he was also a pretty amazing guy.With the crack of his whip, the anthropologist snagged an overhanging branch, swung his khaki-clad body over…

  • The Unusual Suspect

    People were surprised when actor Stephen Baldwin became a born-again Christian and started preaching the gospel. And that's exactly what God had in mind.Michael McManus is lying face down on the bed ... shirtless. Rousing from a deep sleep, he squints at the flood of blinding white light coming from the police flashlights. More annoyed…

  • Baseball’s Last Shot

    When baseball was on life support, it took an epic home run race to resurrect the enthusiasm of its fans. With some of the game's biggest hitters implicated in the continuing steroids saga, how should the league, its players and the rest of us respond? What would you do? Sure, it's a rhetorical question, but…

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