
  • Is Unity the Missing Ingredient for the Next Great Awakening?

    Is Unity the Missing Ingredient for the Next Great Awakening?

    “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. … For there the Lord commanded the blessing—life forevermore” (Ps. 133:1, 3). In more than 40 years of ministry, I have had the privilege of being a part of two genuine awakenings/revivals/moves of God. In the ’70s, amid the Jesus Movement and Charismatic

  • Redigging Wells of the Welsh Revival

    Redigging Wells of the Welsh Revival

    In September 2011, a small team of pastors from my church in Singapore went on a short assignment to Wales. Our assignment was to re-dig the ancient revival wells and pray at the very places revival broke forth in Wales in the early 1900s. Little did we know that a pleasant surprise waited for us

  • Revival Breaks Out at Bolivia Gospel Festival

    Revival Breaks Out at Bolivia Gospel Festival

    A sea of white flags have blanketed the stands of the Rafael Mendoza Castellon stadium for three nights since March 8—a sign of surrender to God for Christians and many who trekked as far as several hundred miles to attend the Festival of Hope in La Paz, Bolivia. What took place on the fĂştbol field

  • Holy Spirit Moves at Brownsville Revival Reunion

    Holy Spirit Moves at Brownsville Revival Reunion

    GOD TV aired a live broadcast featuring Steve Hill of the Brownsville Revival of the 1990s and Nathan Morris of the current Bay Revival, together with pastor John Kilpatrick, the host of both spiritual outpourings. Below are some photos Hill sent us from the historic event.   The Brownsville Revival ran from 1995 to 2000, attracting more than 4 million

  • Spiritual Revolution or Bust!

    Spiritual Revolution or Bust!

    I am not in the least bit discouraged with the outcome of the presidential elections, and I write these words with faith in the presence of God. Without a doubt, I have grave concerns about where our nation could be heading under four more years of President Obama and I grieve over the steady erosion

  • Miracle-Working Power

    Randy Clark has been at the center of revival since God used him during the Toronto Blessing in the ’90s. Since then, he’s seen God miraculously heal and transform countless people all over the world. He shares some of his most memorable stories here.

  • How Brazil’s Revival is Transforming the Nation

    How Brazil’s Revival is Transforming the Nation

    Evangelist Randy Clark reports on Brazil’s miracle-filled revival that continues to change the culture of this South American powerhouse More than 10 years ago I was in search of hot spots for revival. I’d seen Argentina aflame with revival fires years before, but after returning from a trip there, I headed to Brazil in 2001.

  • Does Paraguay’s 12-Year Prayer Marathon Indicate Revival?

    Does Paraguay’s 12-Year Prayer Marathon Indicate Revival?

    For 12 years, a prayer marathon has brought Christians together in the South American country of Paraguay. The 24 hours of uninterrupted prayer involves thousands of people from all Christian denominations, in 85 locations around the country. Every Sunday at 6 a.m., a small group braves the cold of winter and mosquitoes in the summer

  • Is Revival Emerging in Germany?

    Is Revival Emerging in Germany?

    Spiritual complacency rules in Germany, where most Christians seem more concerned with planning their next vacation than a move of God. But an influx of foreign Pentecostals shows early signs of reawakening the German church. Ulf Bastian tramped into Christengemeinde Elim Pentecostal church in Hamburg, Germany, parading his punk-rocker duds: hair dyed a shocking bright

  • 7 Ways to Prepare for Revival

    7 Ways to Prepare for Revival

    If we truly want to see the Holy Spirit transform our communities, here’s how we can prepare ourselves for His coming. Only God can transform a community, but there are several things we can do to prepare for His arrival. Here’s a short list of considerations. 1. Picture true success. In short, a transformed community is a

  • Why Revival Tarries … in America

    Why Revival Tarries … in America

    Of nearly·800 cases of authentic, transforming revival in the last 15 years, only two were in North America. Researcher George Otis Jr. unveils why revival has become so rare in Western society—and what we can do to change that. I honestly can’t remember when I first heard the word revival, much less what I thought about it.

  • Where Is Global Revival Headed?

    Where Is Global Revival Headed?

    God is stirring revival fires around the world like never before. But where is this global revival headed, and what does that mean for most believers? In the early 1990s, after months of praying and fasting, St. Louis pastor Randy Clark was touched deeply by the Holy Spirit. Soon afterward, on Jan. 20, 1994, he

  • Are You a Sideline Revivalist?

    Are You a Sideline Revivalist?

    I’ve never met a believer who didn’t have an innate vision for revival. Sure, the concept of what revival actually looks like varies from person to person. But we all long to see a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit that transforms cities and nations. There’s a problem, though: Too many Christians in America would

  • Will the Next BIG Revival Occur Outside the Church?

    Will the Next BIG Revival Occur Outside the Church?

    God is moving outside the walls of the church, but have we become so “religious” that we’ve failed to notice? One of the biggest dangers Christians face is thinking inside the proverbial religious box. When we talk about “a great move of God” or “revival” we often contextualize it inside a church building.  Even when

  • The Biggest Revival in History

    The Biggest Revival in History

    In China, some 30,000 people a day are turning to Christ. Is this historic move of the Holy Spirit changing how the communist state treats Christians?Dorothy Sun was attending a house church meeting in China last spring when four police officers started to pound on the door and shout for those inside to open up.…

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