
  • How to Let My Light Shine

    Psalm 119:96-112 What a privilege to be the container of God's glory. However, for His glory to shine out of our lives, we have to fulfill two conditions—to hear and heed God's word. In Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, David declares what the Word of God means to Him. He says, "You…

  • Where Is God’s Glory?

    John 17:1-26 So many in these last days are seeking God's glory even as Moses sought to see His glory. We, however, are living in the days after the cross and God has chosen to reveal His glory to others through us. We are the body of Christ, and if we believe and heed His…

  • Many Mansions

    John 13:31-14:14 Jesus shared with His disciples that He was going away. They did not understand Him. He told them to not be troubled in their hearts because He was going to prepare a place for them.

  • Idol Worship

    Psalm 115:1-18 When we spent three weeks in India in 1980, we agreed with our pastor and his wife that we would not visit any of the Hindu temples. We did not want to expose ourselves to the spirits that dwelled in these temples. We knew that even though man had made the idols in…

  • The Tongue

    Proverbs 15:4 You have heard the phrase, "Divide and conquer." When there is division of any kind that disturbs unity, we are much more vulnerable to the enemy. The enemy does not have to use mighty weapons against us in order to divide us. Instead, he uses the mightiest member of our body, our own…

  • A Faithful Ambassador

    Proverbs 13:17-19 We talked about faithfulness yesterday and how it is the Lord who enables us to remain faithful (full of faith). This proverb speaks of the faithful ambassador. Verse 17 says, "A faithful ambassador brings health." We are all called to be ambassadors for Christ. We are passing through a foreign land because as…

  • To Seek and to Save

    Luke 19:1-27 One of my favorite songs I sing to children is "Zacchaeus." It goes like this: "Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he. He climbed up in the sycamore tree, the Lord he wanted to see. And when the Lord came passing by He looked up in the tree…

  • Who Then Can Be Saved?

    Luke 18:18-43 Salvation is a gift from God. We cannot earn it, and we do not deserve it. Everyone needs to know about this priceless gift, which includes forgiveness of sins and love that lead us into wholeness in this life. The question is, "Who then can be saved?" Anyone who comes to Jesus because…

  • Do You Believe in Hell?

    Luke 16:19-17:10 I had a frightening dream one night, and it changed my life. In the dream I saw masses of blindfolded people walking off a cliff into a fiery ravine. Then I saw Jesus standing close by. I cried out, "Jesus, stop them, stop them!! They are perishing." Then I heard Jesus say, "I…

  • How Revival is Transforming the Largest Hindu Nation

    How Revival is Transforming the Largest Hindu Nation

    Christianity is growing rapidly in the world’s largest Hindu nation. Charisma looks at how the Holy Spirit is changing lives in India. A few years ago on a hot, humid evening in Warangal, a city in southern India, about 8,000 locals gathered in a giant sports field while what seemed like 100,000 insects buzzed in

  • Prophet to a Nation

    Prophet to a Nation

    In Venezuela, Pentecostal pastor Samuel Olson is defending biblical faith in an increasingly socialistic society. President Hugo Chavez has been good for the evangelical church in Venezuela, say some Christians in this South American nation. According to the theory, since Chavez assumed power in 1999 the ensuing economic uncertainty, spiraling crime rates and political turmoil

  • Beware of Strange Fire

    Beware of Strange Fire

    We all want the genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s power. But we must be careful not to allow counterfeits. Almost as soon as I heard about the revival manifestations occurring in Lakeland, Fla., people began asking me questions. “What is it all about?” “Is this really revival?” Rather than answering these questions directly, I

  • Forgive Us Our Sins

    We need to tell Muslims: "We confess that [we] have sinned against you."

  • Why Isn’t the American Church Experiencing revival?

    Why Isn’t the American Church Experiencing revival?

    While the church is growing at a record rate in Africa and Asia, churches are stagnating in the United States. We look at why America isn’t experiencing revival.  Revival is not when the top blows off but rather when the bottom falls out.” Those words were spoken to me several years ago when I asked

  • Tactics of Terror

    Terrorists in Iraq who behead foreigners follow an example set by Muhammad.

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