Standing With Israel

  • Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages

    Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages

    JERUSALEM, Israel â€“ Despite war and rumors of war, tens of thousands of Jewish people came to the Western Wall during the intermediary days of Passover to pray and receive an annual blessing. Unsurprisingly, this year’s focus was the hostages and their families. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! More than 30,000 people

  • Pastors, please lead your Sunday services in prayer for Israel; Iran has launched its 1st-ever direct drone and missile attack on the Jewish state

    Pastors, please lead your Sunday services in prayer for Israel; Iran has launched its 1st-ever direct drone and missile attack on the Jewish state

    Editor’s note: See our updated story here for the latest on Iran’s attack on Israel. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Dear pastors and priests around the world. In the Bible – in Psalm 122:6 – the Lord commands true believers to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” Many of you do this already. But never have we

  • My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    Coming home to Israel after a trip overseas to anywhere, for any length of time, is always emotional. Choking back tears, in a matter of minutes I see the coast, cities with countless construction sites indicating growth and building for the future, low-lying houses and buildings surrounded by fertile cultivated fields. I anticipate seeing my

  • Hamas Wears the Smiling Face of Demonic Evil

    Hamas Wears the Smiling Face of Demonic Evil

    Less than three hours ago, I was sitting in the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., watching 47 minutes of footage from the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7, together with a small group of specially invited evangelical leaders. The images, as expected, were jarring, disturbing, horrific. Little children in their pajamas, butchered in their own beds,

  • We Cannot Miss This Game-Changing Moment in the Middle East

    We Cannot Miss This Game-Changing Moment in the Middle East

    “In the Gaza envelope communities, it was sheer chaos,” said Dr. Juergen Buehler at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Breakfast to Honor Israel. “I remember calling my friend, a former Knesset member, asking, ‘How are you doing?’ “I will never forget it,” he continued. “He said, ‘Juergen, where is the IDF? I’m at a bomb shelter,

  • ‘We Must Stand Up for Israel’: Latino Coalition for Israel

    ‘We Must Stand Up for Israel’: Latino Coalition for Israel

    A solidarity mission led by Pastor Mario Bramnick, president of the Latino Coalition for Israel, recently met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and other high-ranking government officials. Bramnick’s delegation included Rev. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; Sara Carter, Fox News contributor; and Ellie Cohanim,

  • Sen. Schumer’s Undemocratic, Dangerous Anti-Israel Diatribe

    Sen. Schumer’s Undemocratic, Dangerous Anti-Israel Diatribe

    As he read his prepared remarks, Sen. Chuck Schumer’s recent diatribe against Israel made it seem as though he were competing for best supporting actor in a growing treacherous horror film within the Democratic Party as to who can be more hostile to Israel. Coming from a democratically elected leader and the highest-ranking Democratic senator,

  • The Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie

    The Latest Despicable Anti-Israel Lie

    According to a quote widely attributed to Winston Churchill, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” This is absolutely true when it comes to reporting about Israel, except even more so. We could say that anti-Israel lies become canonized, even becoming part of sacred

  • Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises

    Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises

    The threat of an all-out war in the Middle East is intensifying. Iranian-backed forces have launched a wave of attacks against American and Israeli targets in the region. The White House accuses Tehran of provoking the crisis and prompting an American military response. The Islamic mullahs in Tehran have dubbed it their “Axis of Resistance.”

  • Vision From Israel: Holding On to Hope in the New Year

    Vision From Israel: Holding On to Hope in the New Year

    One of the many miracles of Israel is that here, the words of the Bible come to life, in the Holy Land where they took place. And, as Israel continues to fight against Hamas terror in the wake of the attacks of Oct. 7, it is God’s Word—written here in the Holy Land—in which we

  • Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ

    Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ

    Despite the South African government’s lawsuit at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against what it claims to be Israel’s “genocide” in the Gaza Strip, a group of Christian organizations and churches in South Africa have made a clear stand with Israel. In a document titled, “Statement by concerned Christians in response to the case

  • Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

    Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

    Thousands of Israelis flocked on Wednesday to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem—a spiritually significant site for Jewish people—to “cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel,” particularly for those still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. More than 50,000 people thronged the alleyways of the prayer site, according

  • Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – What a tragic and painful year 2023 turned out to be for Israelis, Palestinians and much of the Middle East. Many of us hoped Israel and Saudi Arabia would forge an historic and transformative peace and normalization treaty. Instead, the forces of Iranian-backed evil were unleashed. More Jews were murdered on Oct.

  • Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem

    Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem

    A delegation of Christian leaders from Africa visited Israel for a tour of solidarity this week, led by a bishop and a reverend from Kenya. President of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Bishop Joshua Mulinge and Africa’s Director of the Israel Allies Foundation Reverend Dennis Nthumbi took the group to visit southern Israel border communities to meet

  • Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    We are barely two miles from the Gaza border. We can see smoke rising from Israeli air strikes on Hamas positions. We can hear – and feel – the steady boom, boom, boom of IDF artillery, fired from close beside us, at Hamas strongholds in Gaza. And as we walk through the ruins of Kfar

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