Standing With Israel

  • Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    Touring Kfar Aza Ruins, Evangelicals Call Hamas Savagery ‘Revolting’—a ‘Scene From Saving Private Ryan’

    We are barely two miles from the Gaza border. We can see smoke rising from Israeli air strikes on Hamas positions. We can hear – and feel – the steady boom, boom, boom of IDF artillery, fired from close beside us, at Hamas strongholds in Gaza. And as we walk through the ruins of Kfar

  • Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    Why I Am Glad to See Campus Antisemitism Revealed

    The recent revelation of just how deeply antisemitism is embedded in some of our nation’s leading universities is certainly disturbing. But it is not in the least surprising. That’s why I, for one, am glad to see all this coming to the surface. It’s ugly. It’s insidious. It’s inexcusable. But at last, it’s being exposed

  • Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    Modern-Day Scandal: Accusing Israel of Genocide

    You may believe that Israel’s response to Oct. 7 is disproportionate. You may even believe that, on some level, the Israel Defense Forces is guilty of war crimes. But to accuse Israel of committing genocide is as preposterous as it is scandalous. Yet the word “genocide” is virtually ubiquitous these days, the most common description

  • Religious Freedom Precedent: America’s Pro-Jewish Founding Fathers

    Religious Freedom Precedent: America’s Pro-Jewish Founding Fathers

    “The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.” These are the words of John Adams, America’s second president. His words are

  • Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    Why My Sympathy for the Palestinians Is Growing

    It is true that a recent poll indicated that 75% of Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank supported the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7. It is true that the people of Gaza chose to elect Hamas as their leaders in 2006. And it is true that an alarming number of Palestinians have

  • Satan’s Two-State Solution?

    Satan’s Two-State Solution?

    Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley was recently asked about a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian cycle of violence—following a future cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. She responded that “it is not a true conversation” because Palestinians and Iran “don’t want it.” The Republican presidential candidate said that, when she was working at the United

  • War in Gaza Suddenly Back on as Hamas Breaks the Very Cease-fire it Demanded

    War in Gaza Suddenly Back on as Hamas Breaks the Very Cease-fire it Demanded

    After multiple violations of the ceasefire by Hamas, the IDF just announced it has resumed its military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The war is suddenly back on, just one week after it began. At 5:42 a.m. local time, Hamas fired rockets at the Israeli border city of Sderot. Then, at just after

  • Is Biblical Illiteracy to Blame for Rising Antisemitism?

    Is Biblical Illiteracy to Blame for Rising Antisemitism?

    In a world where headlines often echo narratives against the nation of Israel, Christians are called to discern the biblical significance of standing alongside God’s chosen people. Recent events, marked by global protests and skewed media narratives, reveal a disturbing turn against Israel, raising concerns among believers. As tensions escalate, it’s crucial for Christians to

  • Israeli Hostages Freed After Trauma Under Hamas Terror

    Israeli Hostages Freed After Trauma Under Hamas Terror

    As Israeli hostages, kidnapped by Hamas during the Oct. 7 terror attack in southern Israel, are gradually freed under a U.S.-Qatari-Egyptian brokered cease-fire deal, stories of the horrors endured during their 50-plus days in captivity are emerging. In the Schneider Medical Center in Tel Aviv, a specially assembled team of professionals, led by Dr. Yael

  • Mat Staver: Why Israel Matters

    Mat Staver: Why Israel Matters

    My heart breaks over the shocking carnage Hamas carried out in Israel. At the time of this writing, at least 1,400 people in Israel, including more than 30 Americans, have been slaughtered by Hamas terrorists. As the war in Israel continues to escalate, it is disturbing to see anti-Israel protests and a rise of antisemitism

  • Comparing the War in Israel to a Jewish Wedding

    Comparing the War in Israel to a Jewish Wedding

    Over the past few weeks, I, like many other Jewish people, have been asked by our non-Jewish friends how we are doing. At first, I struggled for an answer to that question as I watched the news of the atrocities Hamas terrorists committed against my people, which was then followed by marches and speeches by

  • Congressional Allies Call for National Weekend of Prayer

    Congressional Allies Call for National Weekend of Prayer

    Following the March for Israel rally and the initiation of the Weekend of Prayer for Zion’s Sake, the Congressional Allies Caucus (CAC) has introduced a resolution advocating a national weekend of prayer for the people of Israel. Led by Reps. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Brad Schneider (D-IL) and Chris Smith (R-NJ), the resolution condemns the “unprovoked,

  • The Unthinkable Things Inside and Under Gazan Hospitals

    The Unthinkable Things Inside and Under Gazan Hospitals

    The other day, I was reading my grandson the Dr. Seuss classic, “In a People House.” It was a needed respite for me, a break from incessantly following the news of the war in Israel, albeit that the Red Alert app on my phone sounded throughout, indicating continued rocket fire from Hamas terrorists in Gaza

  • Conservative Titans, and the World, Clash Over Israel

    Conservative Titans, and the World, Clash Over Israel

    The war taking place between Israel and the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas has split the world in two: those for Israel and those against. The often-quoted quip, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be freed,” is not so much a pro-Palestine saying, but one that pushes for the eradication of the nation of

  • ‘The Massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri’

    ‘The Massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri’

    On Oct. 7, 2023 at 6:30 a.m., the small idyllic community of Kibbutz Be’eri, in the northwestern area of the Negev desert in Israel, awoke to sirens as a terrorist attack was underway. This kibbutz, with about 1,100 members, as with several other communities within kilometers of the Gaza Strip, was about to witness and

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