Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Mike Huckabee Says Two-State Solution “Unrealistic”

    Former Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said it is "virtually unrealistic" for a Palestinian state to be placed "in the middle of the Jewish homeland" and that Israel should be able to build settlements where it wants, according to the Associated Press (AP). While on a three-day tour of Israel this week, the former Arkansas…

  • An Ancient Jewish Symbol

    The Menorah is a seven-branched candelabrum used in ancient synagogues long before the birth of Jesus. It is a symbol of Judaism and remains an emblem of the nation of Israel today. To learn more about the Menorah and the Star of David, click below to watch the video.

  • God Has Chosen Jerusalem

    God Has Chosen Jerusalem

    There is no city on the face of the earth like Jerusalem. Jerusalem—the very word excites and stirs deep emotions, memories of the past, and hopes for the future. The temple. The chanting of pilgrims. The palaces and towers. Wars and conquests. Religious longings of Jews, Muslims and Christians. Jews praying at the Western Wall…

  • Sharing the Love of Yeshua

    Sharing the Love of Yeshua

    From time to time, friends ask me how to share their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) with Jewish friends and acquaintances. I really enjoy addressing this issue for a variety of reasons, but mostly because too few of us know where to begin to speak to this question in the most sensitive, yet effective, way. Many…

  • Tweeting @ the Western Wall

    If you thought taking prayer requests via e-mail made things easy for your congregation, you've got nothing on Alon Nil. The 25-year-old from Tel Aviv, Israel, recently launched a non-profit service that allows people around the world to place their prayers in Jerusalem's Western Wall-via Twitter. Nil created the service, which is available to people…

  • Have You Met Messiah?

    We gentile Christians enjoy the blessing of knowing Jesus as Savior. We were grafted into the fold through the work of Christ on the cross, with a command to tell the world about Him. But the message of Yeshua is "to the Jew first." And today, many Jews are accepting the Messiah into their lives and introducing…

  • Has God Rejected Israel?

    Has God Rejected Israel?

    The concept of replacement theology is popular in America's churches. Replacement theology means that Israel failed, and God has replaced Israel with the church. This is simply not true. Romans 11:1 says: "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of…

  • Honoring Our Jewish Roots

    It has been over 2,000 years since the death and resurrection of Jesus. Since that time Christianity has grown and changed to reflect different eras, cultures, and different beliefs. The expression of our faith has taken on various forms and faces. It is ever growing and transforming—sometimes with choices that are for the better and some…

  • The Dangers of Dual Covenant Theology

    The Dangers of Dual Covenant Theology

    Jewish leaders finally are realizing that evangelical Christians are Israel's best friends. As a Jewish believer, I rejoice over this growing love and support for the country and the people. I am grateful for the rallies, financial support and efforts to lobby our government not to force Israel to trade land for peace. Having said…

  • Provoke the Jews to Jealousy

    Provoke the Jews to Jealousy

    Most Christians know the Great Commission, which says: "Go into the world and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). But this isn't the Great Commission for Christians; it's for Jews! All the men addressed in this verse were Jewish. In this statement Jesus was telling the apostles to go to the gentiles and nations,…

  • The Jews Seek a Sign

    When we went to Russia to be intercessors for a music festival in St. Petersburg, we heard many testimonies from Jewish people. As they shared how their lives had been changed when they received Yeshua (Jesus), these testimonies all had a common theme. I do not recall hearing one testimony that did not include some…

  • The Jew Seek a Sign

    1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 When we went to Russia to be intercessors for a music festival in St. Petersburg, we heard many testimonies of Jewish people. As they shared how their lives had been changed when they received Yeshua (Jesus), these testimonies all had a common theme. I do not recall hearing one testimony that did…

  • When Messianics Share the Message

    Though Jesus was born in Bethlehem, taught in Jewish synagogues, and spread His message "to the Jew first," the majority of people in His homeland do not recognize Him as the Messiah. But thanks to what they say is a spiritual awakening unfolding in the Holy Land, many Jewish believers are sharing the gospel and…

  • How to Repair the Jewish Breach

    Are you aware that your Christian faith was built on a Jewish foundation? Think about it: Jews wrote the entire revelation of Scripture—both Old and New Testaments—except perhaps for the books of Luke and Acts. The Old Testament prophets all were Jewish. The apostles all were Jewish. And Jesus was not born a Christian—nor did…

  • Christian Coach Sues Over Dismissal by Muslim Principal

    A veteran high school coach in Michigan has filed a federal lawsuit claiming he was fired by a Muslim principal because of his Christian faith and his association with a Pentecostal minister who helped lead a Muslim student to Christ. In a lawsuit filed Monday, Gerald Marszalek, a wrestling coach for 35 years at Fordson…

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