Israel & Jewish Roots

  • What We Can Learn From Yad Vashem

    In the hills outside of Jerusalem, the Israelis have built a memorial to the greatest tragedy in Jewish history, the Holocaust. This memorial, called Yad Vashem, houses a large and graphic exhibition detailing the murder of 6 million Jews. This display achieves its intended effect: it is impossible to walk through it and not be burdened…

  • The Lord Has Chosen Zion

    The Lord Has Chosen Zion

    Hundreds of years ago, God the Father gave to Abraham—and his descendants—the land of Israel. He established an eternal and everlasting covenant with Abraham, promising that his seed, through Isaac and Jacob, would possess the land forever. Out of all the nations of the earth, He chose Zion to be His special people. Yet Christians…

  • The Word of Faith

    Romans 9:25-10:12 As I read this passage I see in my mind's eye the religious Jews in Israel as they bobbed back and forth, their prayer shawls waving gently with their movements while they prayed earnestly at the Western Wall. I just returned from Israel and saw this same scene, which always brings tears to…

  • Pray for the Children

    During my trip to Israel several months ago, I ran into a group of Jewish kids on a field trip in the Old City. They reminded me of my nieces and nephews, running around playing and giggling nonstop. But not far from Jerusalem are children whose faces have been draped with anger and rage. Radical…

  • Will Revival Come to the Jews?

    Will Revival Come to the Jews?

    Several years ago the Lord told Oral Roberts, "This is the hour Jewish people are being drawn to God." Proverbs 11:30 says, "He who wins souls is wise" (NKJV). Why? Because souls are the only thing we take to heaven. Earth is a war zone and the battle is for the souls of men. God's…

  • Pro-Israel Supporters Lobby Lawmakers at Annual Summit

    Pro-lsrael Christians from across the U.S. gathered in the nation's capital this week to participate in the fourth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit. The event gave some 4,000 participants the opportunity to demonstrate their support for the Holy Land by lobbying U.S. lawmakers to back the Jewish nation. "America really shouldn't be…

  • Let’s Not Forget to Remember

    Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning when the Jewish people remember the destruction of both the first and second temples. Tradition holds that the temples were destroyed some 656 years apart but on the same date. This year, Tisha B'Av begins on the eve of July 29 and ends at nightfall on July 30. Traditionally,…

  • Can You Be Trusted?

    Can You Be Trusted?

    No matter how good your explanation is of the gospel, and no matter how well you know the Bible, if your Jewish neighbor doesn't trust you, your witness will fail. But what makes a person trustworthy? In my 35 years of talking to my people about the Messiah, I've found that the first step in gaining…

  • Where Do You Go When You Die?

    To Christians, death is the doorway to eternal life with God, where troubles cease and peace abounds. To others, it represents uncertainty. But Christ offers salvation through His death, and Jews and gentiles alike can know for certain where we go when we die. {youtubejw}Tm2XqNWvjKU{/youtubejw} Source:

  • Cry Out for Israel

    I was privileged to sit beside him on a flight home from Israel last year—that is, with the obligatory empty seat separating us. Jewish tradition holds that a rabbi is forbidden to sit next to a woman. I asked him his name. He smiled and answered, “Gavriel.” What a passionate young rabbi he was! We

  • To the Jew First

    Jesus made it clear while He ministered near the Galilee and in Jerusalem that He came to minister first to the house of Israel. This was His first charge by the Father. He carried the message of the kingdom of God to the Jew first. We have the same commission Jesus had, but many of

  • Will God Judge the Nations?

    Will God Judge the Nations?

    God makes it clear in His Word that He will bring into judgment any nation, America included, that forces the division of the land of Israel, including the division of Jerusalem. Joel 3:2 says: “I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment

  • To the Jew First

    Romans 1:1-17 Jesus made it clear while He ministered near the Galilee and in Jerusalem that He came to minister first to the house of Israel. This was His first charge by the Father. He carried the message of the kingdom of God to the Jew first. We have the same commission Jesus had, but…

  • Israeli Supreme Court Declares Messianic Bakery Kosher

    Following a lengthy legal battle, Israel’s Supreme Court on June 29 ordered the Chief Orthodox Rabbinate to grant kashrut certification to an Ashdod bakery owned by a Messianic Jew, a decision likely to spark further confrontation between the nation’s highest legal arbiter and the ultra-Orthodox community. In its verdict, the court ruled that the 51-year-old

  • Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor

    Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor

    In my book, You Bring the Bagels; I’ll Bring the Gospel: Sharing the Messiah with Your Jewish Neighbor, I used a standard communication model to organize all the material into four sections: You, The Gentile Christian; Your Message, the “Jewish” Gospel; Your Audience (Your Jewish neighbor) and The Feedback: Barriers to Belief. In the first

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