
  • Uncommon Marriage

    Uncommon Marriage

    Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy With Nathan Whitaker (Tyndale) New York Times best-selling author Tony Dungy partners with Lauren, his wife of more than 30 years, to dispense advice on creating a strong marital union that survives the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

  • How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit

    How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit

    Steven Brooks (Destiny Image) Steven Brooks gives biblical insight and powerful personal testimony of what it looks like to exercise each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12.

  • Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message

    Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message

    Michael L. Brown (Charisma House) Is the modern grace movement the beginning of a grace awakening or an open door to grave error? Christians on both sides debate the issue with fervor—and sometimes lacking a measure of, well, grace. Author Michael Brown takes a refreshing tone in his newest book, Hyper-Grace. He doesn’t come out

  • The Fearless Life: Live Worry-Free No Matter What Happens

    The Fearless Life: Live Worry-Free No Matter What Happens

    Jentezen Franklin (Charisma House) You wouldn’t think Jentezen Franklin, senior pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville, Ga., and Irvine, Calif., would struggle with fear. But the truth is, he’s just like the rest of us. And in his latest book, Franklin writes about his own wrestling with fears of failure, others’ opinions, financial problems, family

  • The God Watchers

    The God Watchers

    Don Nori Sr. (Destiny Image) Don Nori Sr.’s latest book release, The God Watchers, speaks of a simple yet profound truth to live by: Jesus did what He saw the Father in heaven do, and we can follow in His footsteps. Writing with a humble heart, searching eyes and spiritually sensitive ears, the author urges

  • Commanding Your Morning Daily Devotional

    Commanding Your Morning Daily Devotional

    Cindy Trimm (Charisma House) This daily devotional helps Christians achieve victory over everyday circumstances through spoken declarations based on the Word of God. Based on popular preacher Cindy Trimm’s book Commanding Your Morning, it includes daily teachings, Scriptures and declarations intended to empower readers to start off every day right.

  • Ego Trip: Rediscovering Grace in a Culture of Self-Esteem

    Ego Trip: Rediscovering Grace in a Culture of Self-Esteem

    Glynn Harrison (Zondervan) Harrison, a U.K.-based Christian psychiatrist, says modern thinking on self-esteem is contrary to God’s plan and even hazardous. In Ego Trip, he offers a more biblical solution to our questions of significance and worth.

  • Power in the Promises

    Power in the Promises

    Nick Harrison (Zondervan) In the latest from the author of the best-seller Promises to Keep, readers will learn how to pray God’s Word and see Him change lives.

  • Worry Free Finances

    Worry Free Finances

    John Siebeling (Baker Books) The lead pastor of The Life Church in Memphis, Tenn., gives three simple  steps to eliminate stress and worry from managing your finances. (Hint: It doesn’t include making more money.)

  • The Secret Power of Covenant

    The Secret Power of Covenant

    Kerry Kirkwood (Destiny Image) For far too many Christians, the benefits of God’s covenant relationship with His people is never realized—and yet it is available today. The Secret Power of Covenant helps you change the way you pray, unlock your covenant inheritance and release God’s supernatural restoration in your life now.

  • Birthing the Miraculous

    Birthing the Miraculous

    Heidi Baker (Charisma House) Heidi Baker weaves true stories from her life and ministry with the Bible story of Mary’s pregnancy to show readers how to carry the promises of God in their own lives and become catalysts for God’s glory here on earth.

  • Good, Bad, Ugly: Would You Want Your Life Recorded?

    Good, Bad, Ugly: Would You Want Your Life Recorded?

      We left the house at 5:00 a.m. on April 18, 2012, on our way to the Los Angeles airport. We were heading to Charlotte, North Carolina, for a TV show. By 5:30 a.m. we were driving on the 405 freeway. We were in the inside lane of six lanes of heavy morning traffic, and

  • Perry Stone: Removing Spiritual Blockades to Unleash Your Blessing

    Perry Stone: Removing Spiritual Blockades to Unleash Your Blessing

    How Do We Forgive in A Terrible Situation? Forgiving others is a command but also a choice. I do not forgive because I feel a sudden unction or excitement to do so, but because I choose to do so. Repenting of your own sin is a command, as it is written, “But now [God] commands all

  • God Forgave You the First Time You Asked Him

    God Forgave You the First Time You Asked Him

    Jesus gave us a powerful picture of what His Father is like when He told the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32). It’s the story of a rebellious, wayward boy who demanded his inheritance from his father and then set off to live life his way. He squandered everything before being forced by circumstances

  • Rod Parsley: The Cross of Jesus Christ Is ‘Scandalous’

    Rod Parsley: The Cross of Jesus Christ Is ‘Scandalous’

    In his new book, The Cross, Rod Parsley shares how he believes society has diluted an important focus on the symbol of Christ’s sacrifice and why Christians should actively strive to recapture its significance in this critical season for the church. Charisma recently checked in with Parsley to ask him about the book, its inspiration and why the cross is

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