Prophetic Fire

  • Prophetic Warning: Judgment Coming for the Sheep and Goat Nations

    Prophetic Warning: Judgment Coming for the Sheep and Goat Nations

    The Bible says that when the Lord returns, there will be a judgment released upon the earth, dividing sheep nations and goat nations. Jesus said this, “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations

  • Prophetic Word: A New Decree: Arise, Shine and Take Your Seat

    Prophetic Word: A New Decree: Arise, Shine and Take Your Seat

    Arise and take your seat sons and daughters, the King of kings has positioned you for such a time as this! Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating the new decree written of in the book of Esther, an edict allowing the freedom to defend oneself and take the plunder of enemies, has just passed. Purim in

  • Prophetic Word: I Heard the Words ‘Anticipation of Celebration’

    Prophetic Word: I Heard the Words ‘Anticipation of Celebration’

    Heaven is just so different from the view from earth right now that it can almost seem insensitive. You see, heaven is not given a purview of all the darkness we see and feel. There is no rehearsing of any of Satan’s supposed present “victories.” Neither is there sadness, nor do the “testimonies” that lead

  • Prophecy: Can You Hear the Clock Ticking?

    Prophecy: Can You Hear the Clock Ticking?

    In the midst of all the noise, voices, chaos and gross darkness, it will be in our quiet moments with the Lord that we hear and experience His creativity and pioneering call to advance His kingdom. The most powerful command could be “Be still and know that I am God … I will be exalted

  • Prophetic Word: Get Ready. You Will Rejoice Again

    Prophetic Word: Get Ready. You Will Rejoice Again

    I must tell you what Jesus has spoken in my heart. I feel the fire of the Holy Spirit right now as I write. I have a prophetic word for you. Zion is calling you. I felt the Holy Spirit lead me to Jeremiah 31:1-7. As I was reading, I could see the body of

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Training Up Warriors on the Mountains’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Training Up Warriors on the Mountains’

    Recently, God said, “I am training up warriors on the mountains.” As I began to look up mountain warfare in the natural, I realized that this was a word for the Seven Mountains of Influence (religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment and business/finance). Mountain ranges, in the natural, have been highly desired for

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘These Are the Days of Recovery’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘These Are the Days of Recovery’

    I heard the Lord say, “These are the days of recovery. Yes, these are the days of refreshing. These are the days I am turning back the clock on your life and restoring what was lost. These are the days of taking back the ground that fell out from underneath your feet. These are the

  • Lou Engle Prophesies: Let’s Fast and Pray for the Greatest Revival in the Nations

    Lou Engle Prophesies: Let’s Fast and Pray for the Greatest Revival in the Nations

    In the past few months, the Lord has been revealing to us a prophetic prayer strategy for 2022, involving a 40-day Daniel fast from March 7—April 15. It was back in 1999 that I prayed, “How can I turn America back to God?” At that time, I was reading about Nehemiah’s massive mobilization project. He

  • Prophetic Warning: The Lord Says, ‘Do Not Believe the Lies Over Ukraine’

    Prophetic Warning: The Lord Says, ‘Do Not Believe the Lies Over Ukraine’

    Note: This prophetic word was released to Hank Kunneman on Feb. 22. “Do not believe the lies, for even over Ukraine, the media—their mouth is filled. Listen to Me, the media—their mouth is filled with war rhetoric. And there are those who are pushing for war, and there are those who would desire to even

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Receive Acceptance and My Glory’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Receive Acceptance and My Glory’

    I was in worship when I saw a great wave of God’s glory coming off the water and I heard the word “billows.” Webster defines a billow as a rolling mass, especially a great wave. I listened to the Lord say, “Tell My people they are accepted and as they internalize that acceptance that a

  • Prophetic Dream: Be On Guard Until the End

    Prophetic Dream: Be On Guard Until the End

    I had a troubling dream on Feb. 10 that I knew was a warning for agents in the field who are fighting to defend our freedoms. Though I don’t know the context or timing, given the war in Ukraine and battles on numerous fronts, I do believe it’s a call to pray for those on

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I want to Fix Your Life’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I want to Fix Your Life’

    Beloved friend in Jesus, have you been questioning whether or not our God can fix and heal the things that are broken in your life? If so, Abba Father says to you today: “I want to fix your life, heal you and make you completely new. “You think you are too far gone to restore

  • Prophetic Word: Strike the Ground and Stake the Claim

    Prophetic Word: Strike the Ground and Stake the Claim

    In this new year, the Holy Spirit has been stirring me with a strong desire for an increase in spiritual sight, to press in and activate every gift I have been given. I began to re-read the accounts of Elisha’s life because of his persistence and because 2022 is a double portion year. Halfway through

  • The Bible Is Always Begging You To Open It

    The Bible Is Always Begging You To Open It

    Recently I prayed, “Lord, let me read the Bible like it’s the very first time. Open my eyes to behold wondrous things out of Thy law” (Ps. 119:18). It works! I am seeing things I never saw before, and it is going into my spirit. It’s like I am being born again, again! If The

  • Chuck Pierce’s Son Reveals Prophetic Dream About Russia and Its Rising Power

    Chuck Pierce’s Son Reveals Prophetic Dream About Russia and Its Rising Power

    Daniel Pierce, son of prophet Chuck Pierce, last Sunday revealed a prophetic dream he had concerning Russia and the United States. Chuck Pierce says we must see this dream as a clear warning that “Russia is establishing itself to a higher place,” but that God is still in control. Daniel Pierce said in last Sunday’s

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