Prophetic Fire

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It is Now Everyone’s Opportunity to Become Fearless’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘It is Now Everyone’s Opportunity to Become Fearless’

    Fear is one of the enemy’s most effective tools, and fear has had a grip on the world since the COVID-19 pandemic began more than two years ago. Fear attacks in many areas of our lives and, for some of us, haunts us daily. The Lord showed me the principalities over the earth and revealed

  • Word of Encouragement Before Pentecost: How a Burning Heart Sets the World on Fire

    Word of Encouragement Before Pentecost: How a Burning Heart Sets the World on Fire

    Clear vision and knowing your assignment make all the difference when given a weighty commission. Yet what is essential for completion, especially for longer-term and far-reaching assignments, is a passionate heart. It is the fire surrounded by purpose that causes one to blaze ahead to the finish line. In the life of every believer is

  • Prophecy: The Spirit Says, ‘A 180-Degree Change Shall Occur in Areas of Your Nation’

    Prophecy: The Spirit Says, ‘A 180-Degree Change Shall Occur in Areas of Your Nation’

    The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “My children, in this hour I am turning many things on their heads. A 180-degree change shall occur in areas of your nation, in areas of the governments, in areas of the church … a change of heart. Many of you need a change of heart. And

  • Prophetic Word: New Strength and Overflow Are Coming in May

    Prophetic Word: New Strength and Overflow Are Coming in May

    As we step into May, the Lord showed me we’re stepping into a time of overflow and abundance. This also correlates with Pentecost coming up at the beginning of June and the word I released for April that things were breaking open. As things are beginning to break open and the resistance is shifting, it’s

  • Prophetic Vision: Let the Great Shaking of All Who Worship Lucifer Begin

    Prophetic Vision: Let the Great Shaking of All Who Worship Lucifer Begin

    Recently I had a vision, and as the vision gradually came into view, I was on the beach with Jesus, reclining next to Him. I asked Holy Spirit to show me more. Then Jesus began to create something with His thoughts. In front of us, a cloud appeared about four feet in diameter, which I

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Great Grace Will Be Poured Out on the Church’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Great Grace Will Be Poured Out on the Church’

    [et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Holy Spirit is calling His people, the body of Christ, to put their focus on what heaven is getting ready for. It has seemed to me that these past few years have been dry times for many in the body of Christ. I am sure you have heard

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘My Angels Are Unraveling the Plans of Our Enemies’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says ‘My Angels Are Unraveling the Plans of Our Enemies’

    Recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of a calendar, showing me February 6th through March 31st, 2022. On each day, the word “change” was written. We have indeed seen major changes occurring in our nation and world in these recent months. After seeing the word “change” on those days, the remainder of the

  • Prophecy: It’s Time to Dismantle the Fence of Offense

    Prophecy: It’s Time to Dismantle the Fence of Offense

    Recently, I have been experiencing more opportunities to be offended than I have in any previous time. Others I have talked with say they are experiencing the same thing. I learned years ago that offense blocks the anointing, so I was shocked to see how often I am tempted to take the bait. As I

  • Prophecy: We Are in a Joseph Moment

    Prophecy: We Are in a Joseph Moment

    Recently, these words dropped heavily into my spirit: “We are in a Joseph moment!” What is a Joseph moment? A Joseph moment is one of great insight, revelation, preparation and turning the enemy’s plans back on him. After such a long season of feeling inactive, misunderstood, cast off, rejected, and forgotten by God, Joseph was

  • Prophecy: We Are in the Beginning of Sorrows

    Prophecy: We Are in the Beginning of Sorrows

    In March 2020, I continued to hear the same warning echo in my spirit: The food supply is next. I wrote in an article on about how the next sign of the times would be something that looks more like a famine. Prophetically, I saw a contamination coming to some of the food supply

  • Prophetic Word: The Democratic Party Shall Not Stand

    Prophetic Word: The Democratic Party Shall Not Stand

    Recently, I was watching Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic, and I heard him say something that seemed unusually prophetic. He said, “We are going to take down the Democratic Party until there is not a single one of them left.” When I heard it, it was like being hit by a nuclear truth bomb. Part

  • Prophetic Dream: US Becomes Its Own Worst Enemy With Weak National Defense

    Prophetic Dream: US Becomes Its Own Worst Enemy With Weak National Defense

    One recent evening I was weary and tired. I had been working late for several days in a row, making preparations to participate in commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Bataan Death March of World War II. I reclined to rest for a moment so I could wake up and continue in a refreshed state

  • Prophetic Word: Tune Into Heaven’s Frequency

    Prophetic Word: Tune Into Heaven’s Frequency

    Fake news. Fake narrative. Fake signals. The liberal leftist media is all fake. I stopped watching and listening to it over a year ago. It’s Satan’s machine. Full of hate and lies. Swamp creatures full of venom promoting fear, panic, stress and anxiety. Aligned with an evil antichrist agenda. Tune in to heavenly places, saints,

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Truth Bombs Are Falling, and the False will be Blown Away’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Truth Bombs Are Falling, and the False will be Blown Away’

    Recently, as I was seeking the Lord for wisdom on what I was sensing spiritually, Holy Spirit kept impressing upon me to revisit things He had told me in times past. As I did so, He highlighted a word I received a few years ago, emphasizing that it was a word that needed to be

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Setting Things Straight’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Setting Things Straight’

    The Spirit of the Lord says this day, “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered. For this is a time of great scattering—of the great scramble. This is a time where monopolies of the wicked shall and will be broken up,” says the Lord. The Lord of hosts says, “I am a God

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